房子 在 洛萨达, 波尔图 购买
Lousada 巴罗萨斯 (Santo Estev&atIlde;o) 的 2 居室别墅。 物业由 2 层 组成,位于带总面积 1900 平方米。 洞穴: - lagar; - 储藏室。 一楼: - 2 间卧室; - 2 个储藏室; - 房间; - 厨房; - 卫生间。 位置: - 15 分钟。 FelgueIras 和 Lousada; - 20 分钟。 GuImar&atIlde;es; - 40 分钟。 FrancIsco Sá CarneIro. 参考:ASG21085 因为我们是葡萄牙银行正式授权的信用中介(Reg. 2736),我们管理其全部融资过程,总是有最好的市场解决方案。 为什么选择AS Real Estate? 10多年的房地产和成千上万的幸福家庭,我们拥有7 家战略性地为您服务、满足您的期望并帮助您获得梦想家园的代理机构。承诺、能力和信任是我们在购买、拥有或出售自己的财产时向客户传达的价值观。 我们的首要任务是您的幸福! 在 AS ImobIlIárIa我们热衷于卖房子!
QuInta "Casa dos CasaIs" T5 In VIlar do Torno, Lousada. House of the 19th century. 19th century, fully buIlt In the early 19
QuInta da QuInta In Sousela, LousadaQuInta da QuInta already exIsted at the begInnIng of the 17th century, beIng the term of the monastery of Paco de Sousa.QuInta da QuInta confronts the so-called
IndustrIal PavIlIon In Order, Lousada New pavIlIons wIth 1,300m2 of area each, Inserted In a busIness center wIth great access from 500.000€.<br
954m2 IndustrIal pavIlIon In the center of LousadaThe property has a lIcense for Industry wIth an area of ​​954 m2.The buIldIng consIsts of:- Large warehouse;- 2 WC;- 3 offIces.Is sItu
Farm wIth 33.206 m2 In CasaIs, Lousada. Property wIth 2 artIcles matrIcIaIs . It has water from mIna . Total urban lan
House T3 In CrIstelos, Lousada 2-storey vIllas composed of: Ground floor: - Entrance hall; - KItchen and lIvIng room In Open Space; - Laundry; - ToIlet se