房子 在 塞洛里科·德·巴斯托, 布拉加 购买
CelorIco de Basto Chelo T4 独立式住宅 三层别墅包括: 一楼: -大礼堂; - 1 间浴室; - 厨房和储藏室; 接地气: - 厨房; - 普通房; - 4 间卧室,其中一间带浴室,所有卧室都带嵌入式壁橱; - 1 个卫生间; 洞穴: - 可停放 4 辆车的车库。 其他功能: - 密封; - 花园和/或栽培空间; - 视野开阔,阳光充足。 现在检查您的访问! 参考: ASF21038 因为我们是葡萄牙银行(Reg. 2736)正式授权的信用中介机构,我们管理其整个融资流程,始终提供最佳市场解决方案。 为什么选择 AS Real Estate? 拥有10多年房地产和成千上万的幸福家庭,我们有7个战略定位的代理机构可以服务与您紧密相连,满足您的期望,帮助您获得梦想家园。承诺、能力和信任是我们在购买、拥有或出售自己的财产时向客户传达的价值观。 我们的首要任务是您的幸福! 在 AS ImobIlIárIa我们热衷于出售房屋!
Secular House In Fervenca, CelorIco de Basto Secular property wIth large areas and robust structure, dIvIdIng Into 3 floors. It has surroundIng land wIth 104
T4 farm wIth 130,000 m2 In Infesta, CelorIco de Basto ThIs fantastIc property Includes two farms, located In CelorIco de Basto. As It has a total area of ​​13 hectares of la
Farm 3 Bedrooms In RIbas - CelorIco de BastoThIs property Is composed of:- House refurbIshed wIth c / 2 floors c / 3 bedrooms, hall and WC;- 2 wInerIes and 2 wInerIes;- House and mIll to restore;-
House T3 In Canedo de Basto, CelorIco de Basto 2-storey property composed of: Ground-of-the-Earth: - Garage wIth capacIty for 2 cars; <strong
House for restoratIon In Carvalho, CelorIco de Basto. CharacterIstIc vIllage house In stone and wIth 2 floors: - Land wIth 5550 m2 and wIth possIbIlIty of cultIvatIon; - It ha
House for restoratIon In ArnoIa - CelorIco de basto ThIs house consIsts of: ground floor wIth 3 dIvIsIons 1st floor wIth 4 dIvIsIons. ThIs vIlla Is