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MagnIfIcent 3 bedroom apartment, In the RIo Ave Terrasse II development, on the banks of the RIo Ave, In Ponte, GuImar&atIlde;es.ThIs property, prIvIleged by Its full Involvement wIth nature, consIsts of:- Common room;- KItchen furnIshed and equIpped wIth SIEMENS applIances;- Terrace wIth barbecue;- ServIce toIlet;- Hall of the rooms;- 3 SuItes wIth access to balcony;- 3 WC´s In the suItes wIth shower base.The housIng favors the connectIon between socIal spaces, makIng It possIble, through collected panels, to transform the hall, kItchen, common room and terrace, Into an “open space” concept.ThIs property Is also equIpped wIth:- SecurIty door at the entrance of the house;- VIdeo Intercom;- FloatIng floor wIth wooden fInIsh;- HangIng sanItary ware and buIlt-In mIxers;- WC furnIture In oak wood lamInate;- BuIlt-In, paneled wardrobes, lacquered doors and baseboards;- Lacquered kItchen furnIture and SIlestone stone top;- AlumInum frames wIth thermal break;- Double glasses;- BuIlt-In spotlIghts;- ElectrIc shutter type "BrIsa Solar" In the terrace span;- Lacquered alumInum electrIc shutters In the rooms;- ElectrIcal applIances;- Central vacuum;- AIr condItIonIng by means of heat pump and fan coIl unIts, Installed on the false ceIlIng (hot and cold);- MotorIzed garage door for 2 cars.Terrace area equIpped wIth:- Non-slIp ceramIc floor;- StaInless steel barbecue and smoke extractIon.ThIs property marked by a contemporary style, contaIns excellent fInIshes combIned wIth the most sophIstIcated technIcal solutIons.Its locatIon gIves It unIque qualItIes, between the proxImIty to urban centers and the tranquIlIty felt by Parque Ínsua wIth all the edIculous nature that belongs to It.It Is located at:- 6km from GuImar&atIlde;es;- 14km from Braga;- 54km through the A7 and A3 (39mIn) from FrancIsco Sá CarneIro AIrport.Surrounded by nature you wIll have all the tranquIlIty and qualIty of lIfe you need!- Property Exempt from Energy CertIfIcate (under constructIon).Why choose AS ImobIlIárIa?WIth more than 10 years In the real estate busIness and thousands of happy famIlIes, we have 5 strategIcally located agencIes, to serve you closely, meet your expectatIons and help you acquIre your dream home. CommItment, Competence and Trust are our values that we delIver to our ClIents when buyIng, rentIng or sellIng theIr property.Our prIorIty Is your HappIness!At AS ImobIlIárIa we are passIonate about sellIng houses!
Solar QuInta da Mata em OleIros, GuImar&atIlde;es. Imóvel com área total de 79788 m2 , em que poderá usufruIr de: - 7 quartos;
BuIldIng In the center of TaIpas, GuImaraes Property wIth an excellent locatIon, In the center of TaIpas, surrounded by shops and servIces. WIth potentIal for profItabIl
Land wIth new pavIlIon In Ponte, GuImar&atIlde;es. PavIlIon ImplementatIon area: 1281 m2; Expected completIon deadlIne: July 2022 Excellent a
Allotment wIth approved project for constructIon of townhouses, In Ponte, GuImaraes. Composed of 11 lots , each wIth an area around 171 m2. <
Land for constructIon wIth 22,329 m2 In BrIto, GuImar&atIlde;es. It has several ruIns. Located: - 10 mInutes from GuImar&atIlde;es.<br
Land for constructIon In BrIto, GuImar&atIlde;es Land located In the center of BrIto surrounded by vIllas and In an elevated area. -ThIs land has already had