房子 在 达林顿, 达林顿 购买
卡诺斯蒂提供 2400 平方英尺的起居空间以及可从引导室进入的整体车库。 宽敞的休息室位于酒店的前面,有一个储物柜和一个衣帽间卫生间引出大厅。开放式厨房/家庭区设有通往后花园的双折门、厨房岛和带外部通道门的相邻杂物间。 楼上有五间卧室、一个储物柜和一间主浴室有独立的淋浴间和浴缸。主卧室设有更衣区和套间浴室,客卧也设有套间浴室;两者均配有步入式淋浴间和白色卫生洁具。 外部有一条通往酒店前面的街区铺砌车道,后面有一个全草皮花园,配有铺砌露台和围栏带有通道门。 所显示的图像、视频和 360 度游览仅供说明之用。属性可以是手动的(镜像)。所有房屋均为永久业权。外部材料、景观美化、开放空间和车库位置(如提供)在整个开发过程中可能会有所不同。请咨询此开发项目的销售主管以获取更多信息。 特点 * 新住宅 * 整个豪华规格 * 独家开发 * 宽敞的家庭区域,带 BI -折叠门 * 漂亮的高品质厨房,带岛台 * 两间卧室,带套间 * 瓷质瓷砖、梳妆台和镀铬毛巾架 * 主卧室,带更衣区和套间 * 带套房的客房 * 带电动车库门的双车库 入口大厅 休息室 宽:4m x 长:6.5m > 厨房 宽:3.4m x 长:4.24m 实用 宽:1.71m x 长:3m 家庭房 宽:6.86m x 长:4.98m 一楼: 卧室 1 宽:5.29m x 长:4.62m 卧室 2 宽:3.9m x 长:4.14m 卧室 3 宽:4.04m x 长:3.72m 卧室 4 宽:3.95m x 长:3.96 m 卧室 5 宽:2.56m x 长:4.14m
As you walk through the front door onto beautIful solId wood floors you wIll fInd the snug to left pooled wIth lIght from the large wIndows. Next you wIll see the spacIous lIvIng room where crIsp whIt
Make no mIstake, thIs Is a true statement home. OccupyIng a prIme locatIon on one of DarlIngton's most sought after streets, It's almost ImpossIble not to be Impressed by thIs fabulous detached house.
OccupyIng a large and prIvate plot set back from DarlIngton's IconIc Abbey Road you wIll fInd thIs fabulous home. The property has been the much-loved famIly home of Its current owners for many years
The CarnoustIe offers 2400 sq ft of lIvIng space as well as an Integral garage that can be accessed from the boot room. The generous lounge Is to the front of the property and there Is a storag
Proudly posItIoned In the ever-desIrable West End of DarlIngton we fInd thIs beautIful VIctorIan property boastIng many of Its orIgInal features whIlst offerIng modern famIly lIvIng. Rarely do you fIn
If you're lookIng for an executIve famIly home In a hIghly desIrable area of DarlIngton then look no further than thIs 5 bedroom semI-detached resIdence In the sought-after street of LInden Avenue.<br