公寓 在 孔佩塔, 安达卢西亚 购买
ThIs property offers a unIque, rarely avaIlable opportunIty to purchase a goIng concern comprIsIng 4 self-contaIned, lettable apartments. The layout lends Itself well to beIng a bed and breakfast and/or a holIday apartment let wIth communal patIo, roof terrace, bar and breakfast room/sIttIng room. The property was totally reformed In 1994 from what was a large townhouse. It has recently undergone a major renovatIon program and Is presented In fIrst class order. Based In the centre of Competa the property Is only a few metres from the maIn plaza and all the local amenItIes Competa has to offer. On the ground floor as you enter the property you enter Into the hallway/offIce area. The fIrst apartment Is located on thIs floor. To the rIght of the entrance hall doors lead Into a spacIous splIt level lIvIng and dInIng area wIth large wIndows overlookIng the pedestrIan street and provIdIng natural lIght to the room. A short flIght of staIrs lead to a double bedroom complete wIth ensuIte shower room. From the maIn staIrcase of the buIldIng a door whIch leads out Into a central patIo wIth space for outsIde dInIng tables and chaIrs. There Is a covered area housIng a washIng machIne and a tumble dryer. ThIs utIlIty area Is for the use of all the apartments. Access from the staIrcase also gIves access to a bar wIth a door leadIng to 3 guest toIlets wIth hand basIns. Adjacent to the bar Is a room whIch could be used as a breakfast room or sIttIng room. ThIs arrangement of bar, guest toIlets and breakfast room/sIttIng room are desIgned to provIde a communal area for the occupants of the apartments. StaIrs to Apartments On the upper floors of the buIldIng you wIll fInd 3 self contaIned apartments. Two of the apartments are adjacent to each other and have space for 2 sIngle beds each or 2 double beds. The rooms have floor to ceIlIng, glazed double doors whIch open out onto JulIette balconIes overlookIng the street. The apartments have space for dInIng table and chaIrs as well as relaxIng chaIrs and occasIonal furnIture. Each apartment has access to Its own bathroom wIth shower, hand basIn and toIlet. The maIn apartment on the top floor has a full sIze fully fItted kItchen and central Island, There Is a gas hob and extractor over, space for a frIdge/freezer and a sInk. The kItchen Is decorated In a rustIc style wIth wooden beamed ceIlIngs. There Is also space for breakfast dInIng table and chaIrs. Off the kItchen there Is a lIvIng room wIth a buIlt In fIreplace and room for a 2/3 seater sofa and chaIr. There are also Integral shelvIng and surfaces for ornaments and a TV. Large glazed, double doors open out onto a JulIette balcony overlookIng the street below. Also off the kItchen there Is a double bedroom agaIn decorated In a rustIc style. From the bedroom a door leads out onto a small prIvate balcony overlookIng the Internal patIo and space for chaIrs. Off the bedroom there Is an en suIte bathroom wIth a shower, hand basIn and toIlet. Between all the apartments there Is accommodatIon for up to 8 people sleepIng. FInally there are staIrs leadIng up to an ImpressIve roof terrace wIth fantastIc vIews across the vIllage of Competa, the church tower, countrysIde and down to the MedIterranean Sea. There Is ample space up here for sun loungers and outsIde dInIng table and chaIrs as well as a barbecue. ThIs property Is already run as a goIng concern and Is used for provIdIng accommodatIon for walkers, cyclIsts and those wantIng to enjoy the outdoor pursuIts In thIs beautIful part of southern SpaIn. The busIness has a websIte as well as a [hidden] regIstratIon and already has bookIngs next year, whIch the owner wIll be happy to pass over to any purchaser. There Is the facIlIty to provIde further beds for guests a few meters from the locatIon of thIs property. ThIs Is a truly unIque opportunIty to purchase an exIstIng busIness wIth 23 years' experIence of provIdIng outdoor holIdays. The property has been renovated to a hIgh standard retaInIng a rustIc charm and offers excellent value for money. Early vIewIng Is recommended. For clarIfIcatIon we wIsh to Inform prospectIve purchasers that these sales partIculars have been prepared as a general guIde therefore they are not bIndIng or contractual. Features * Sea VIew * Terrace * Separate AccommodatIon * Easy Access
ThIs superb property on the outskIrts of Competa and wIthIn walkIng dIstance offers purchasers a fantastIc opportunIty for a holIday busIness. On the edge of the natural park It Is made up of 3 separa
This superb property on the outskirts of Competa and within walking distance offers purchasers a fantastic opportunity for a holiday business. On the edge of the natural park it is made up of 3 separa
This 2-storey penthouse apartment is located in the village of Competa and offers 2 double bedrooms, single bedroom, two bathrooms (1 en-suite), a large, open plan living and dining room and kitchen.
ThIs newly refurbIshed apartment near the centre of Competa Is located In a quIet street close to one of Competa's plazas, Plaza Carmen. It Is of a large open plan desIgn wIth 3 double bedrooms, one w
This newly refurbished apartment near the centre of Competa is located in a quiet street close to one of Competa's plazas, Plaza Carmen. It is of a large open plan design with 3 double bedrooms, one w
ThIs apartment Is centrally located In the vIllage of Competa and wIthIn walkIng dIstance of the maIn plaza, bars, shops and restaurants. It Is In the process of beIng completely renovated and wIll co