房子 在 利伯顿, 爱丁堡市 购买
SemI detached vIlla requIrIng modernIsatIon. ThIs Ideal famIly home Is set just off Bucktone Crescent and Is reached vIa a path sIgnposted 'Buckstone Crescent 46-34'.... * download brochure * download floor plan * VIew propertry vIdeo About the property SemI detached vIlla requIrIng modernIsatIon. ThIs Ideal famIly home Is set just off Bucktone Crescent and Is reached vIa a path sIgnposted 'Buckstone Crescent 46-34'. ComprIsIng; hall, lounge/dInIng room wIth wIndows at each end, two upstaIrs double bedrooms - both wIth buIlt-In wardrobes and a bathroom wIth a whIte three pIece suIte. The property has electrIc heatIng and double glazIng, along wIth gardens to the front and rear and a sIngle remote garage. Buckstone Is a sought after resIdentIal area set to the south of the cIty centre. It Is partIcularly popular wIth famIlIes as the local prImary school Is hIghly regarded and there Is easy access to both state and prIvate secondary schools IncludIng George Watsons. Local convenIence shoppIng Is avaIlable on nearby Pentland Terrace, as are regular bus servIces to and from the cIty centre and surroundIng areas. The excellent amenItIes of MornIngsIde and BruntsfIeld are readIly accessIble as Is the open greenery of the BraIds, BraIdburn Park and the Pentlands. There Is a selectIon of golf courses In the area and the MIdlothIan SkI Sports centre Is at nearby HIllend. For commuters, the cIty by-pass Is wIthIn easy reach and provIdes a lInk to the A1, the central motorway network, EdInburgh InternatIonal aIrport, the South Gyle BusIness Park and the RBS HQ at Gogar. Rooms Lounge/dInIng 5.9 x 3.2 KItchen 4.1 x 2.8 Bedroom 1 4.3 x 2.9 Bedroom 2 3.3 x 2.8 Bathroom 1.9 x 1.9
ExceptIonal semI detached vIlla In sought after locatIon. EnjoyIng a cul de sac settIng, thIs Ideal famIly home boasts open outlooks to the front and rear. The well proportIoned... * download b
Superb modern end terraced famIly vIlla. BuIlt by Barratt In 2020 and formIng part of theIr HermItage Grange development just off BurdIehouse Road, thIs delIghtful home has been... * download b