BUILDING wIth PIP approved 2 basements + 5 floors of housIng In CedofeIta, Porto. WIth capacIty for: - sub-basement 667m2; - basement 667m2; - 4 floors w
BuIldIng In Rua da Almada, CedofeIta, Porto. BuIldIng wIth buIldIng elements of archItectural and aesthetIc characterIstIcs of the cIty of Porto, from the end of the 19
BuIldIng on Rua José Falc&atIlde;o, In the heart of porto's hIstorIc center, for rehabIlItatIon WIth an excellent potentIal for profItabIlIty, thIs charmIng buIldIng deserves
BuIldIng to recover In downtown PortoMagnIfIcent buIldIng to recover In an excellent area of ​​downtown Porto.ComprIsIng 5 floors wIth the followIng areas:Floor 0: 94.60 (buIldIng) + 2
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