公寓 在 拉帕洛玛, 罗沙 购买
在拉各斯,一个新的高质量住房项目位于城市住宅区和中心区,公寓按照最高标准的建筑和豪华装修建造。配备空调、地暖和太阳能电池板热水系统以及设备齐全的厨房。每层楼都有两间 T2 型公寓和一间 T3 型公寓。 2 卧室公寓位于二楼,面积 124 平方米 组成:两间卧室,一间连接浴室,带淋浴盘和柱子,衣柜配有哑光白色漆门和三聚氰胺内饰。第二间卫生间配有浴缸、柱子和防护装置。开放式厨房配有博世电器,宽敞的客厅可通往大露台。建筑面积:94平方米 阳台面积:29平方米 停车面积:19平方米 公寓楼顶设有游泳池,自动覆盖,预装暖气
Magnificent Apartment under construction consisting of 2 bedrooms, quality and luxury finishes in a residential area of Lagos, located on the outskirts of the historic center of Lagos and within walki

In Lagos, a new high-quality housing project in a residential and central area of the city Apartments built to the highest standards of construction and luxury finishes. Equipped with air conditioni

Apartment under construction consisting of 2 bedrooms, quality and luxury finishes in a residential and renowned area of Lagos, located on the outskirts of the historic center of Lagos and within walk

In Lagos, a new high-quality housing project in a residential and central area of the city Apartments built to the highest standards of construction and luxury finishes. Equipped with air conditioni

In Lagos, a new high-quality housing project in a residential and central area of the city Apartments built to the highest standards of construction and luxury finishes. Equipped with air conditioni

In Lagos, a new high-quality housing project in a residential and central area of the city Apartments built to the highest standards of construction and luxury finishes. Equipped with air conditioni