办公室 在 扎卡基, 莱梅索斯 购买
出售 Omonoia 的办公室 €1,371,600 目前正在建设中的现代精致的全新商业建筑,提供五个最先进的办公室和一个独特的宽敞陈列室。地理位置优越,位于利马索尔最繁忙的十字路口之一,可轻松前往高速公路、新港、新濠天地赌场,距旧港和利马索尔码头仅 10 分钟路程。理想的投资回报率约为 5%,并有机会在利马索尔最有前途的地区之一拥有资产。这间位于五楼的办公空间提供 180 平方米的现代内部区域和 41 平方米的阳台。请联系我们以获取有关这一独特商业开发项目的完整介绍。 空调 中央供暖 有盖私人停车场 价格加增值税
For Sale Office in Zakaki for €3,019,815 A commercial building located in the heart of the new district of Limassol, Zakaki. The popularity of this area is due to the proximity of the lar

For Sale Office in Zakaki for €2,873,260 A commercial building located in the heart of the new district of Limassol, Zakaki. The popularity of this area is due to the proximity of the lar

For Sale Office in Zakaki for €2,661,911 A commercial building located in the heart of the new district of Limassol, Zakaki. The popularity of this area is due to the proximity of the lar

For Sale Office in Zakaki for €2,572,435 A commercial building located in the heart of the new district of Limassol, Zakaki. The popularity of this area is due to the proximity of the lar

For Sale Office in Zakaki for €2,541,730 A commercial building located in the heart of the new district of Limassol, Zakaki. The popularity of this area is due to the proximity of the lar

For Sale Office in Zakaki for €2,460,590 A commercial building located in the heart of the new district of Limassol, Zakaki. The popularity of this area is due to the proximity of the lar