土地 在 基索内加, 帕福斯 购买
出售 Kissonerga 住宅用地,售价为 €200,000 位于帕福斯区 Kissonerga 的 1022 平方米住宅用地。建筑密度 = 60%,覆盖率 35% 楼层,允许 2 层,高度不超过 10 米.水电供应。它位于安静的住宅区,周围环绕着漂亮的房子,方便前往主干道、学校和所有便利设施。 增值税不适用
Reference ID: #SA34753 Price details: €5,900,000 +VAT Residential plot in Kissonerga Community, in Paphos District,on the beach The property has very good access with easy driving to

The property consists of five adjacent residential fields in Kissonerga.They are located 2km from the community's centre and from Tala.The fields have a total area of 176,340sqm and enjoy panoramic se
The property consists of five adjacent residential fields in Kissonerga. They are located 2km from the community's centre and from Tala. The fields have a total area of 176,340sqm and enjoy panoramic
For Sale 46,000 Sq.meter Residential / Agricultural Land in Kissonerga - Paphos. Combination of Residential Land - Residential Zone with 30% Building Density and Agricultural Land. Amazing Sea V

High potential residential land located in a premium point of Kissonerga village, just 400 meters from the Beach. The property supports easy access to a registered road where is connected.

For Sale Residential Land in Kissonerga for €1,300,000 Residential land for sale in Kissonerga community in Paphos district. The land has 21741 sq.m. area and falls within residential