房子 在 兰哈龙, 安达卢西亚 购买
我们的网站上提供视频导览! - Lanjaron 物业独有 Finca Nispero 是希望在远离城镇数英里的情况下拥有肥沃土地、美丽树木和绿色植物的人的理想选择。从 Lanjarón 镇中心步行 5 分钟即可到达 finca。有近3000平方米的青翠平地,分为三个梯田。多年来,这里的土壤得到了很好的呵护,您将在这里种植的蔬菜会让您所有的朋友都羡慕不已!该物业上的建筑物目前用作农业商店,但是,如果获得适当的许可,它可以很容易地改造成一个可爱的乡村住宅。同样,Finca Nispero 对于已经住在城里、正在寻找一个小天堂的人来说是完美的选择。很少有像 Finca Nispero 这样的 fincas 可用,它是一个真正的宝石。过来看看。 我们不收取买家佣金!
Exclusive to Lanjarón Property Video tour available on our website. Ganaderia Caprina represents a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: the chance to own a completely functioning, money-earni
Casa 4 Fuentes. Video tour on our website. Situated just five minutes above the town of Lanjarón, with exceptional views, this property ticks every box. Finca 4 Fuentes is set in over 6,000m2 of beaut
This mill and rustic house is located in Rio Izbor, in the town of Ízbor, Granada. It is a rustic house, built in 1925, which has 530 m2 of which 520 m2 are useful and has 5 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. I
Cortijo Naturales. Full video tour available on our website. It really doesn`t get any better than this! Situated in an area of outstanding natural beauty, this cortijo has been in the same Spanish fa
This villa is at Calle Real, 18660, El Pinar, Granada, at Ízbor. It is a villa, built in 1987, that has 464 m2 of which 462 m2 are useful and has 7 rooms and 5 bathrooms. Rural Properties at Granad
Casa Comoda. Located only a few minutes from Lanjaron yet enjoying the feeling of the countryside with wonderful views towards the Mediterranean this spacious house ticks all the boxes. With over 5,50