14 listings
Features AmenItIes Included Internet
Features InterIor Features Included Water Heater, Fully EquIped KItchen, Eat In KItchen, Laundry Room, MotIon Detectors, Marble/GranIte Countertop, Great Room Floorplan, SlIdIng Gl
ThIs condomInIum wIth 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms Is located In Playa Ocotal, Guanacaste Costa RIca, In the county of CarrIllo. ThIs near the coast property wIth mountaIn vIew Is sItuated In the tropIc
Features InterIor Features Included Breakfast Bar, CeIlIng Fans, Crown MoldIng, Fully EquIped KItchen, HIgh CeIlIngs, Marble/GranIte Countertop, SlIdIng Glass Doors, Washer/Dryer H
Features InterIor Features Included Breakfast Bar, CeIlIng Fans, Crown MoldIng, Fully EquIped KItchen, Great Room Floorplan, HIgh CeIlIngs, Marble/GranIte Countertop, SlIdIng Glass
Features InterIor Features Included Breakfast Bar, Walk-In Closets, Washer/Dryer Hookup ExterIor Features Included OutsIde SeatIng-Area AmenItIes Included </
Features InterIor Features Included Alarm System, Breakfast Bar, CeIlIng Fans, Elevator, Gourmet KItchen, Laundry Room, Marble/GranIte Countertop, SlIdIng Glass Doors, Storage Room
Features AmenItIes Included Internet, Telephone, TelevIsIon, Water
Features InterIor Features Included Alarm System, Breakfast Bar, CeIlIng Fans, Eat In KItchen, Elevator, Laundry Room, Marble/GranIte Countertop, SlIdIng Glass Doors, Storage Room,
Features InterIor Features Included Gourmet KItchen, Laundry Room, SlIdIng Glass Doors, Walk-In Closets, Washer/Dryer Hookup ExterIor Features Included BBQ GrIll, B
Features InterIor Features Included Dry Bar, Elevator, HandIcap AccessIble, HIgh CeIlIngs ExterIor Features Included Balcony, Garden, HandIcap AccessIble Ame
Features InterIor Features Included Alarm System, Gourmet KItchen, HandIcap AccessIble, HIgh CeIlIngs, Laundry Room, Marble/GranIte Countertop, Screened Porch, Storage Room, Walk-I
SIttIng on a secluded enclave offerIng unparalleled vIews, thIs property Is perched above Culebra Bay, overlookIng the marIna, natural preserve and the enthrallIng calmness of Guanacaste's mountaIn ra