4 listings
We have a 62,687.94 Sq Ft lot with 42,085 Sq Ft of usable space in Canewood, St. Thomas for sale. This land now also has planning approval for a 25,000 sqft Shopping Complex/Mall. USD$12
This older industrial former workshop/warehouse, located in Vaucluse Factory Yard, has such architectural delights as concrete floors, a multi-gabled roof, coral stone walls, and steel and wooden roof
У нас є 1,7 акра комерційної землі на продаж у Велчесі, Сент-Томас. Ця ділянка землі розташована на схід від шосе Рональда Меппа на північ від The Walk, Велчес. Ділянка має загальну площ