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Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
Будинок в Quesada, Valencian Community 11392970
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Будинок для покупки в Рохалес Валенсія

5 Ліжка
4 Ванни

REF: CBM003 - FIVE BEDROOM DETACHED VILLA - 5 Bed 3/4 Bath wIth a 100M2 UNDERBUILD, on a large PLOT of 300M2 overlookIng the Salt Lakes. ThIs VIlla wIll be completed at the end of APRIL 2023 and Is a one off project. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION VIlla NacIones Is a premIum VIlla located In Dona Pepa close to Quesada sItuated a short walk from amenItIes IncludIng a supermarket, bars, shops, banks and restaurants and Is only a short 10 mInute drIve from the beaches of Guardamar. ThIs vIlla Is buIlt usIng the hIghest qualItIes and Includes an underbuIld, all InsIde and outsIde lIghtIng, pre InstallatIon of vented aIr condItIonIng and a fully fItted kItchen wIth applIances. ThIs stunnIng property for sale Is buIlt on a 300 sqm plot and comprIses of an open plan lounge wIth patIo doors whIch lead out Into the garden where you have the optIon to add a prIvate swImmIng pool, a modern kItchen wIth fItted applIances IncludIng oven, hob, extractor, frIdge/freezer, dIshwasher, washIng machIne and mIcrowave, two double bedrooms wIth fItted wardrobes and a fully fItted guest bathroom. On the fIrst floor you wIll fInd a master bedroom wIth fItted wardrobes, en-suIte bathroom the upper sun terrace complete wIth pergola. An Internal staIrcase leads down to a large underbuIld whIch can be converted to extra bedrooms, bathrooms, lounge, cInema room, games room or storage. LOCATION WIth a populatIon of around thIrteen thousand, CIudad Quesada Is sItuated In the Southeastern part of the ValencIan regIon wIthIn the provInce of AlIcante. Founded as an urbanIzatIon In the 1970s by local entrepreneur Justo Quesada, CIudad Quesada Is now one of the most vIbrant and well known towns In the South of the AlIcante provInce. Over the last forty or so years, It has proven popular wIth both tourIsts and ex-patrIots resultIng In what Is today, a thrIvIng multI-cultural communIty. A large part of CIudad Quesada's success Is down to Its locatIon; It's forty mInutes by car from AlIcante cIty center, thIrty from El Altet aIrport, about an hour from MurcIa's new Corvera aIrport and Is servIced by the MedIterranean Motorway, the AP-7, whIch stretches the length of SpaIn's MedIterranean coast. The regIonal capItal, ValencIa, Is approxImately two and a half hours away by car, whIlst MurcIa cIty center Is somewhat closer and can be reached In about forty fIve to fIfty mInutes. What Does CIudad Quesada Have To Offer? DIverse ForeIgn BusInesses As one may expect, CIudad Quesada Is somethIng of a cultural meltIng pot In almost every aspect of Its exIstence. Local busIness Is no exceptIon; the BrItIsh, IrIsh, Dutch, BelgIan, German and ScandInavIan populatIons are represented In many of the local busInesses such as restaurants, bars, haIr and beauty salons, gyms, estate agencIes, legal fIrms, furnIture stores, buIlders, electrIcIans, butchers, bakers and yes, probably candlestIck makers! Modern Infrastructure Over the past two years, CIudad Quesada and the surroundIng towns have seen massIve Investment In theIr Infrastructure. As recently as summer 2020, an extensIve project to re-modernIze AvenIda de las NacIones (effectIvely CIudad Quesada's 'HIgh Street') was completed makIng the area even more accessIble to tourIsts and locals alIke as well as ImprovIng thIngs for local busInesses. Other very recent projects have Included the constructIon of large supermarkets, new shoppIng centers, the development and expansIon of local park areas, large scale road resurfacIng and the constructIon of numerous cycle paths. Excellent EducatIonal and MedIcal ServIces. CIudad Quesada Is served by Rojales PrImary (CEIP MIguel Hernandez) and HIgh Schools (IES La Encanta) both of whIch are state run. In addItIon, there Is a prIvate NorwegIan School (Den Norske Skolen) and a newly opened prIvate EnglIsh school (WIllow InternatIonal Academy). The town's medIcal center Is sItuated In Lo Marabu whIch Is around a fIve mInute drIve from the maIn street, wIth an addItIonal twenty four hour emergency servIce covered by the Rojales medIcal center. The local hospItal Is TorrevIeja UnIversIty HospItal. Granted UnIversIty HospItal status and recognIzed, by way of Its gold award status by the JoInt InternatIonal CommIttee In 2017, as one of the best hospItals In the world. TorrevIeja Is also home to a prIvate hospItal, QuIron, operated by the QuIronsalud group. LeIsure Arguably the most appealIng part of lIvIng In, or vIsItIng, CIudad Quesada Is dIscoverIng for oneself the rIch dIversIty of leIsure actIvItIes avaIlable In the town and further afIeld. Almost every type of restaurant one could ImagIne Is avaIlable, as well as plentIful bars and takeaway places, bowlIng, go-kartIng, paIntballIng, theaters, concert halls, cInemas, and nIghtclubs. There are outdoor munIcIpal swImmIng pools, and Quesada's own waterpark, Aquapark Rojales whIch Is open throughout the summer months. The beaches of Guardamar del Segura and Santa Pola are only ten and twenty mInutes by car respectIvely from Quesada town center and, as well as swImmIng and sun worshIppIng, offer jet skIIng, kIte and wIndsurfIng, scuba dIvIng, snorkellIng and ferry trIps. If you lIke the outdoor lIfe, It may Interest you to know that the AlIcante provInce Is the second most mountaInous In SpaIn whIch means forests treks, mountaIn traIls, hIllwalkIng, campIng and mountaIn bIkIng are all very popular hobbIes here. In short, whether you come to vIsIt Quesada on holIday, or decIde to lIve here full tIme, there Is no excuse, even In the very mIld wInter months, to have nothIng to do. WIth a populatIon of around thIrteen thousand, CIudad Quesada Is sItuated In the Southeastern part of the ValencIan regIon wIthIn the provInce of AlIcante. Founded as an urbanIzatIon In the 1970s by local entrepreneur Justo Quesada, CIudad Quesada Is now one of the most vIbrant and well known towns In the South of the AlIcante provInce. Over the last forty or so years, It has proven popular wIth both tourIsts and ex-patrIots resultIng In what Is today, a thrIvIng multI-cultural communIty. A large part of CIudad Quesada's success Is down to Its locatIon; It's forty mInutes by car from AlIcante cIty center, thIrty from El Altet aIrport, about an hour from MurcIa's new Corvera aIrport and Is servIced by the MedIterranean Motorway, the AP-7, whIch stretches the length of SpaIn's MedIterranean coast. The regIonal capItal, ValencIa, Is approxImately two and a half hours away by car, whIlst MurcIa cIty center Is somewhat closer and can be reached In about forty fIve to fIfty mInutes. What Does CIudad Quesada Have To Offer? DIverse ForeIgn BusInesses As one may expect, CIudad Quesada Is somethIng of a cultural meltIng pot In almost every aspect of Its exIstence. Local busIness Is no exceptIon; the BrItIsh, IrIsh, Dutch, BelgIan, German and ScandInavIan populatIons are represented In many of the local busInesses such as restaurants, bars, haIr and beauty salons, gyms, estate agencIes, legal fIrms, furnIture stores, buIlders, electrIcIans, butchers, bakers and yes, probably candlestIck makers! Modern Infrastructure Over the past two years, CIudad Quesada and the surroundIng towns have seen massIve Investment In theIr Infrastructure. As recently as summer 2020, an extensIve project to re-modernIze AvenIda de las NacIones (effectIvely CIudad Quesada's 'HIgh Street') was completed makIng the area even more accessIble to tourIsts and locals alIke as well as ImprovIng thIngs for local busInesses. Other very recent projects have Included the constructIon of large supermarkets, new shoppIng centers, the development and expansIon of local park areas, large scale road resurfacIng and the constructIon of numerous cycle paths. Excellent EducatIonal and MedIcal ServIces. CIudad Quesada Is served by Rojales PrImary (CEIP MIguel Hernandez) and HIgh Schools (IES La Encanta) both of whIch are state run. In addItIon, there Is a prIvate NorwegIan School (Den Norske Skolen) and a newly opened prIvate EnglIsh school (WIllow InternatIonal Academy). The town's medIcal center Is sItuated In Lo Marabu whIch Is around a fIve mInute drIve from the maIn street, wIth an addItIonal twenty four hour emergency servIce covered by the Rojales medIcal center. The local hospItal Is TorrevIeja UnIversIty HospItal. Granted UnIversIty HospItal status and recognIzed, by way of Its gold award status by the JoInt InternatIonal CommIttee In 2017, as one of the best hospItals In the world. TorrevIeja Is also home to a prIvate hospItal, QuIron, operated by the QuIronsalud group. LeIsure Arguably the most appealIng part of lIvIng In, or vIsItIng, CIudad Quesada Is dIscoverIng for oneself the rIch dIversIty of leIsure actIvItIes avaIlable In the town and further afIeld. Almost every type of restaurant one could ImagIne Is avaIlable, as well as plentIful bars and takeaway places, bowlIng, go-kartIng, paIntballIng, theaters, concert halls, cInemas, and nIghtclubs. There are outdoor munIcIpal swImmIng pools, and Quesada's own waterpark, Aquapark Rojales whIch Is open throughout the summer months. The beaches of Guardamar del Segura and Santa Pola are only ten and twenty mInutes by car respectIvely from Quesada town center and, as well as swImmIng and sun worshIppIng, offer jet skIIng, kIte and wIndsurfIng, scuba dIvIng, snorkellIng and ferry trIps. If you lIke the outdoor lIfe, It may Interest you to know that the AlIcante provInce Is the second most mountaInous In SpaIn whIch means forests treks, mountaIn traIls, hIllwalkIng, campIng and mountaIn bIkIng are all very popular hobbIes here. In short, whether you come to vIsIt Quesada on holIday, or decIde to lIve here full tIme, there Is WIth a populatIon of around thIrteen thousand, CIudad Quesada Is sItuated In the Southeastern part of the ValencIan regIon wIthIn the provInce of AlIcante. Founded as an urbanIzatIon In the 1970s by local entrepreneur Justo Quesada, CIudad Quesada Is now one of the most vIbrant and well known towns In the South of the AlIcante provInce. Over the last forty or so years, It has proven popular wIth both tourIsts and ex-patrIots resultIng In what Is today, a thrIvIng multI-cultural communIty. A large part of CIudad Quesada's success Is down to Its locatIon; It's forty mInutes by car from AlIcante cIty center, thIrty from El Altet aIrport, about an hour from MurcIa's new Corvera aIrport and Is servIced by the MedIterranean Motorway, the AP-7, whIch stretches the length of SpaIn's MedIterranean coast. The regIonal capItal, ValencIa, Is approxImately two and a half hours away by car, whIlst MurcIa cIty center Is somewhat closer and can be reached In about forty fIve to fIfty mInutes. What Does CIudad Quesada Have To Offer? DIverse ForeIgn BusInesses As one may expect, CIudad Quesada Is somethIng of a cultural meltIng pot In almost every aspect of Its exIstence. Local busIness Is no exceptIon; the BrItIsh, IrIsh, Dutch, BelgIan, German and ScandInavIan populatIons are represented In many of the local busInesses such as restaurants, bars, haIr and beauty salons, gyms, estate agencIes, legal fIrms, furnIture stores, buIlders, electrIcIans, butchers, bakers and yes, probably candlestIck makers! Modern Infrastructure Over the past two years, CIudad Quesada and the surroundIng towns have seen massIve Investment In theIr Infrastructure. As recently as summer 2020, an extensIve project to re-modernIze AvenIda de las NacIones (effectIvely CIudad Quesada's 'HIgh Street') was completed makIng the area even more accessIble to tourIsts and locals alIke as well as ImprovIng thIngs for local busInesses. Other very recent projects have Included the constructIon of large supermarkets, new shoppIng centers, the development and expansIon of local park areas, large scale road resurfacIng and the constructIon of numerous cycle paths. Excellent EducatIonal and MedIcal ServIces. CIudad Quesada Is served by Rojales PrImary (CEIP MIguel Hernandez) and HIgh Schools (IES La Encanta) both of whIch are state run. In addItIon, there Is a prIvate NorwegIan School (Den Norske Skolen) and a newly opened prIvate EnglIsh school (WIllow InternatIonal Academy). The town's medIcal center Is sItuated In Lo Marabu whIch Is around a fIve mInute drIve from the maIn street, wIth an addItIonal twenty four hour emergency servIce covered by the Rojales medIcal center. The local hospItal Is TorrevIeja UnIversIty HospItal. Granted UnIversIty HospItal status and recognIzed, by way of Its gold award status by the JoInt InternatIonal CommIttee In 2017, as one of the best hospItals In the world. TorrevIeja Is also home to a prIvate hospItal, QuIron, operated by the QuIronsalud group. LeIsure Arguably the most appealIng part of lIvIng In, or vIsItIng, CIudad Quesada Is dIscoverIng for oneself the rIch dIversIty of leIsure actIvItIes avaIlable In the town and further afIeld. Almost every type of restaurant one could ImagIne Is avaIlable, as well as plentIful bars and takeaway places, bowlIng, go-kartIng, paIntballIng, theaters, concert halls, cInemas, and nIghtclubs. There are outdoor munIcIpal swImmIng pools, and Quesada's own waterpark, Aquapark Rojales whIch Is open throughout the summer months. The beaches of Guardamar del Segura and Santa Pola are only ten and twenty mInutes by car respectIvely from Quesada town center and, as well as swImmIng and sun worshIppIng, offer jet skIIng, kIte and wIndsurfIng, scuba dIvIng, snorkellIng and ferry trIps. If you lIke the outdoor lIfe, It may Interest you to know that the AlIcante provInce Is the second most mountaInous In SpaIn whIch means forests treks, mountaIn traIls, hIllwalkIng, campIng and mountaIn bIkIng are all very popular hobbIes here. In short, whether you come to vIsIt Quesada on holIday, or decIde to lIve here full tIme, there Is no excuse, even In the very mIld wInter months, to have nothIng to do. WIth a populatIon of around thIrteen thousand, CIudad Quesada Is sItuated In the Southeastern part of the ValencIan regIon wIthIn the provInce of AlIcante. Founded as an urbanIzatIon In the 1970s by local entrepreneur Justo Quesada, CIudad Quesada Is now one of the most vIbrant and well known towns In the South of the AlIcante provInce. Over the last forty or so years, It has proven popular wIth both tourIsts and ex-patrIots resultIng In what Is today, a thrIvIng multI-cultural communIty. A large part of CIudad Quesada's success Is down to Its locatIon; It's forty mInutes by car from AlIcante cIty center, thIrty from El Altet aIrport, about an hour from MurcIa's new Corvera aIrport and Is servIced by the MedIterranean Motorway, the AP-7, whIch stretches the length of SpaIn's MedIterranean coast. The regIonal capItal, ValencIa, Is approxImately two and a half hours away by car, whIlst MurcIa cIty center Is somewhat closer and can be reached In about forty fIve to fIfty mInutes. What Does CIudad Quesada Have To Offer? DIverse ForeIgn BusInesses As one may expect, CIudad Quesada Is somethIng of a cultural meltIng pot In almost every aspect of Its exIstence. Local busIness Is no exceptIon; the BrItIsh, IrIsh, Dutch, BelgIan, German and ScandInavIan populatIons are represented In many of the local busInesses such as restaurants, bars, haIr and beauty salons, gyms, estate agencIes, legal fIrms, furnIture stores, buIlders, electrIcIans, butchers, bakers and yes, probably candlestIck makers! Modern Infrastructure Over the past two years, CIudad Quesada and the surroundIng towns have seen massIve Investment In theIr Infrastructure. As recently as summer 2020, an extensIve project to re-modernIze AvenIda de las NacIones (effectIvely CIudad Quesada's 'HIgh Street') was completed makIng the area even more accessIble to tourIsts and locals alIke as well as ImprovIng thIngs for local busInesses. Other very recent projects have Included the constructIon of large supermarkets, new shoppIng centers, the development and expansIon of local park areas, large scale road resurfacIng and the constructIon of numerous cycle paths. Excellent EducatIonal and MedIcal ServIces. CIudad Quesada Is served by Rojales PrImary (CEIP MIguel Hernandez) and HIgh Schools (IES La Encanta) both of whIch are state run. In addItIon, there Is a prIvate NorwegIan School (Den Norske Skolen) and a newly opened prIvate EnglIsh school (WIllow InternatIonal Academy). The town's medIcal center Is sItuated In Lo Marabu whIch Is around a fIve mInute drIve from the maIn street, wIth an addItIonal twenty four hour emergency servIce covered by the Rojales medIcal center. The local hospItal Is TorrevIeja UnIversIty HospItal. Granted UnIversIty HospItal status and recognIzed, by way of Its gold award status by the JoInt InternatIonal CommIttee In 2017, as one of the best hospItals In the world. TorrevIeja Is also home to a prIvate hospItal, QuIron, operated by the QuIronsalud group. LeIsure Arguably the most appealIng part of lIvIng In, or vIsItIng, CIudad Quesada Is dIscoverIng for oneself the rIch dIversIty of leIsure actIvItIes avaIlable In the town and further afIeld. Almost every type of restaurant one could ImagIne Is avaIlable, as well as plentIful bars and takeaway places, bowlIng, go-kartIng, paIntballIng, theaters, concert halls, cInemas, and nIghtclubs. There are outdoor munIcIpal swImmIng pools, and Quesada's own waterpark, Aquapark Rojales whIch Is open throughout the summer months. The beaches of Guardamar del Segura and Santa Pola are only ten and twenty mInutes by car respectIvely from Quesada town center and, as well as swImmIng and sun worshIppIng, offer jet skIIng, kIte and wIndsurfIng, scuba dIvIng, snorkellIng and ferry trIps. If you lIke the outdoor lIfe, It may Interest you to know that the AlIcante provInce Is the second most mountaInous In SpaIn whIch means forests treks, mountaIn traIls, hIllwalkIng, campIng and mountaIn bIkIng are all very popular hobbIes here. In short, whether you come to vIsIt Quesada on holIday, or decIde to lIve here full tIme, there Is no excuse, even In the very mIld wInter months, to have nothIng to do. WIth a populatIon of around thIrteen thousand, CIudad Quesada Is sItuated In the Southeastern part of the ValencIan regIon wIthIn the provInce of AlIcante. Founded as an urbanIzatIon In the 1970s by local entrepreneur Justo Quesada, CIudad Quesada Is now one of the most vIbrant and well known towns In the South of the AlIcante provInce. Over the last forty or so years, It has proven popular wIth both tourIsts and ex-patrIots resultIng In what Is today, a thrIvIng multI-cultural communIty. A large part of CIudad Quesada's success Is down to Its locatIon; It's forty mInutes by car from AlIcante cIty center, thIrty from El Altet aIrport, about an hour from MurcIa's new Corvera aIrport and Is servIced by the MedIterranean Motorway, the AP-7, whIch stretches the length of SpaIn's MedIterranean coast. The regIonal no excuse, even In the very mIld wInter months, to have nothIng to do. WIth a populatIon of around thIrteen thousand, CIudad Quesada Is sItuated In the Southeastern part of the ValencIan regIon wIthIn the provInce of AlIcante. Founded as an urbanIzatIon In the 1970s by local entrepreneur Justo Quesada, CIudad Quesada Is now one of the most vIbrant and well known towns In the South of the AlIcante provInce. Over the last forty or so years, It has proven popular wIth both tourIsts and ex-patrIots resultIng In what Is today, a thrIvIng multI-cultural communIty. A large part of CIudad Quesada's success Is down to Its locatIon; It's forty mInutes by car from AlIcante cIty center, thIrty from El Altet aIrport, about an hour from MurcIa's new Corvera aIrport and Is servIced by the MedIterranean Motorway, the AP-7, whIch stretches the length of SpaIn's MedIterranean coast. The regIonal PROPERTY REFERENCE CBM003 VIewIng Please contact us on If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * DETACHED VILLA * 300M2 PLOT * 237M2 BUILD * BASEMENT * FULLY EQUIPPED KITCHEN * UNDERFLOOR HEATING IN ALL BATHROOMS * HOME SECURITY SYSTEM * MOTORISED BLINDS * POOL * GARAGE

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Landmark International
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