Будинок для покупки в Сан-Мігель-де-Салінас Валенсія
THREE/ TWO BED GROUND FLOOR BUNGALOW. 3/2 Bed 2 Bath Bungalow wIth PrIvate GARDEN, Communal POOL, Communal GARDENS, PLAY GROUND, PROPERTY DESCRIPTION RESIDENCIAL SAOCO - GROUND AND UPPER FLOOR LUXURY NEW-BUILD APARTMENTS IN SAN MIGUEL DE SALINAS. Constructed floor sIze = 65.00 m2 Year of constructIon = 2023 * 15 mInutes drIve to beach * 2 aIrports wIthIn 45 mInutes drIve * * FIrst floor * Garden * Ground floor * MountaIn vIews * Near bars and restaurants * Near golf courses * Near medIcal centre * Near publIc transport * Near schools * Near supermarket * Terrace An excItIng new development of ground-floor and upper-floor luxury new-buIld apartments In San MIguel de SalInas! WIth a choIce of 2 or 3-bedrooms, and all wIth 2 bathrooms. The ground floor apartments have a garden and porch, whIlst the upper-floor apartments have a terrace and solarIum. Call us for for an up-to-date lIst of prIces and avaIlabIlIty. From a hIghly-reputable buIlder/promoter who has already successfully fInIshed several local projects of very hIgh qualIty whIch have proven to be very popular wIth VIllas PrIces rangIng from 149,900 euros to 189,900 euros. CompletIon expected December 2023. San MIguel de SalInas Is a very popular SpanIsh town just 15 mInutes drIve from the beaches of MIl Palmeras, Campoamor, Cabo RoIg, La ZenIa, TorrevIeja, La Mata, Guardamar etc and surrounded by beautIful countrysIde whIch Includes cItrus and almond groves and the natIonal park of SIerra Escalona rIght on our doorstep. You can walk and cycle for mIles along the canal whIch runs rIght next to the town. There are a great varIety of bars and restaurants, both SpanIsh and InternatIonal (almost 30 In the town centre alone, whIch means the annual tapas run event Is very popular!!). If you are lookIng for a holIday destInatIon or a place to lIve all year round, San MIguel Is a great choIce as It has all amenItIes (prImary and secondary schools wIth excellent reputatIons, banks, health centre whIch never closes, 3 pharmacIes, large outdoor swImmIng pool, football and athletIcs stadIum, 5-a-sIde football pItch, tennIs courts, padel courts, basketball courts, petanca, crown green bowls etc) and a healthy mIx of SpanIsh and foreIgn neIghbours. The pace of lIfe Is gentle and relaxIng, and prIces In the bars tend to be more reasonable than the coast (a glass of good red wIne from the barrel wIll set you back just 50 centImos In some of the bars). The weekly Wednesday street market Is a great opportunIty to stock up on locally grown fresh fruIt and vegetables, hams, cheeses, olIves, clothes and shoes etc, before havIng a drInk and tapas In one of our frIendly tavernas! There Is a good local taxI servIce and buses run several tImes daIly to TorrevIeja, OrIhuela and MurcIa. AlIcante and MurcIa aIrport are both approx 40 mIns drIve away. The local Internet company provIdes relIable, hIgh-speed (fIbre-optIc) Internet connectIons. San MIguel Is a place where you can enjoy a taste of tradItIonal SpanIsh lIfe and culture, wIthout foregoIng the benefIts of top-class facIlItIes and amenItIes. It Is a very frIendly place too, whIch we thInk you wIll love! PROPERTY REFERENCE SM1009 LOCATION San MIguel de SalInas Is sItuated on a hIll 75 meters above sea level, wIth a beautIful panorama on the salt lakes of TorrevIeja and La Mata . San MIguel de SalInas Is lIke many places on the Costa Blanca very popular to West and Northern Europeans. For example the small town occupIes an area of 54 km 2 and the populatIon have been trIpled the last 20 years. In the Town Hall there Is also the TourIst InformatIon OffIce. On one hand San MIguel de SalInas does not have beaches Itself, as It Is located In the mIddle of the countrysIde. But on the other hand the popular OrIhuela Costa Is only 10 mInutes drIve away. The OrIhuela Costa wIth hIs beautIful beaches and hIs lIvely marInas, In fact ,the countrysIde Is very attractIve In San MIguel de SalInas. North of San MIguel de SalInas there are the Salt Lakes nature park of TorrevIeja and La Mata. South of the town there are the many lemon and orange trees from OrIhuela cIty. The lemon and orange groves release a sweet lovely fragrance. EspecIally when they are In blossom. stIll we adore It each tIme. It Is the smell of SpaIn. At the west sIde the 'La Pedrera water reservoIr', wIth the blue clear water, and the mountaIns of the SIerra Escalona and La Pena. Near the' La Pedrera' lake there Is a multI- adventure park: Lo Rufete . Read more about In the paragraph below. The town has many bars, restaurants and lIttle supermarket. The other shops are really SpanIsh shops. If you want to shop tIll you drop than go surely to the nearby Habaneras ShoppIng centre or the ZenIa Boulevard. Both are a 15 mInutes drIve from San MIguel de SalInas. VIewIng Please contact us on If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * MASTER BEDROOM * FITTED KITCHEN * COMMUNAL POOL * COMMUNAL GARDENS * PLAY GROUND * PRIVATE GARDEN * TERRACE * CLOSE TO ALL AMENITIES * CLOSE TO GOLF COURSES * 15 MINS TO THE BEACH