Промислові для покупки в Марулас Криті
Block of flats for sale in Rethymno Crete. The apartment building is 389sqm on a plot of 440sqm and was built in 2005. It has sea, mountain and forest views. It consists of three floors and includes three apartments. The ground floor apartment is traditional, stone-built with a total area of 102sqm with fireplace and includes an open plan living room, kitchen and dining area, two bedrooms and a bathroom. The apartment on the first floor is 127sqm unfinished. The apartment on the second floor is 127sqm and consists of an open plan living room, dining room and kitchen, four bedrooms, one toilet and two bathrooms. All apartments have sewerage, separate electricity meters, central heating (Oil and LPG) and solar water heater. Finally, there are parking spaces and the two apartments are rented all year round. The above information is based exclusively on information provided by the property owner to our company, which are subject to any typographical errors or price change by him. PURSUANT TO LAW 4072/2012, IN ORDER TO VIEW THE PROPERTY, IT IS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE YOUR ID AND TAX NUMBER WHICH MUST ME INDICATED IN THE DEMONSTRATION AGREEMENT. The indication on the map does not indicate the exact location of the property but the general area in which it is located. For any other information contact us.