Кондоминиум для покупки в Бенахавис, Андалусия
56 flats and penthouses will be built by the end of 2025 in the hills of Benahavis with fantastic panoramic views to the sea and along the coast. A jewel is about to be built in a prime location and only a few will be able to be among the privileged owners of this complex.The 3 and 4 bedroom flats and penthouses all offer en suite bathrooms, large living rooms with open kitchens and very large terraces with no direct neighbours! Modern design with attention to detail.Underfloor heating throughout, air conditioning, fitted kitchen and wardrobes, modern floor ceramics, bathrooms (with a choice of colours currently still possible), lifts from the garage and storerooms to the property and much more.The owners have access to a fantastic landscaped garden with pool, coworking centre and fitness room. Worth a visit soon!!! Finished by December 2025.