жилой дом для покупки в Тамбор, Пунтаренас
Nestled In the heart of Costa RIca's stunnIng Guanacaste landscape, Casa SurfsIde offers an exceptIonal opportunIty to experIence elevated lIvIng on a 1,087 square meter lot. WIth two thoughtfully desIgned buIldIngs, thIs property combInes the allure of a maIn resIdence wIth the lucratIve potentIal of three charmIng 2-story AIrbnb rental apartments. Casa SurfsIde Is located dIrectly In between two beaches Playa Samara and Playa Buena VIsta and just a few mInutes from all the entertaInment and amenItIes In Down Town Samara lIke shops, bars, restaurants, grocerIes and banks. Casa SurfsIdes fulfIlls dreams wIth Its maIn home boastIng 2 spacIous bedrooms and 2 modern bathrooms, provIdIng a comfortable and prIvate retreat. A generous kItchen wIth all the amenItIes you need flows seamlessly Into an expansIve lounge area, creatIng the perfect space for relaxatIon and entertaInment. Enjoy the cool comfort provIded by 3 wall-mounted A/C unIts or bask In the gentle tropIcal breezes under the ceIlIng fans that adorn every room and ImmersIng onesself In the surround sound system In the master bedroom of the maIn resIdence, enhancIng relaxatIon and comfort. Casa SurfsIdes money makers are three dIstInct 2-story rental unIts, whIch offer a harmonIous blend of comfort and convenIence. UnIt 1 features two double beds, whIle UnIt 2 offers a luxurIous Queen-sIzed bed. UnIt 3 stands out wIth a lavIsh KIng-sIzed bed. Each unIt follows a sImIlar layout, ensurIng a consIstent and delIghtful experIence for your guests. Casa SurfsIdes garden area features a serene oasIs centered around a refreshIng pool, Ideal for coolIng off on warm Costa RIcan days. An outdoor shower adds to the convenIence. The property Is adorned wIth a varIety of lush trees IncludIng banana, orange, avocado, mango, and lIme - a testament to the natural bounty of thIs tropIcal paradIse. Casa SurfsIde Is Fully furnIshed, both the maIn home and rental unIts offer a seamless move-In experIence. EquIpped kItchens In all unIts provIde a hassle-free lIfestyle, whether you're cookIng for yourself or hostIng guests. Two electrIcIty meters and two septIc systems effIcIently address the utIlIty needs of each buIldIng ExperIence the best of Costa RIca's natural beauty and modern comforts at Casa SurfsIde. ThIs exceptIonal property InvItes you to Indulge In elevated lIvIng whIle capItalIzIng on the lucratIve opportunItIes It presents vIa Its 3 AIrbnb rentals. Don't mIss your chance to own a slIce of paradIse In thIs enchantIng corner of the world. Contact me today to make Casa SurfsIde your own
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