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ISTRA, MOMJAN - Zemljište s pogledom i građevinskom dozvolom za gradnju više objekata Zbog mnogih izvora vode i sretnog smještaja momjanski je kraj bio naseljen i u pretpovijesno doba, o čemu govore
Davorka Ukota Prodajni predstavnik Mob: 00385 91 641 5530 Tel: 00385 52 670 295 Fax: 00385 52 638 220 E-mail: [hidden] [hidden]
Beautiful land in Dugi Brdo above Momjan, flat and cleared. A total of 4137 m2 of land is for sale, of which 1871 m2 is for construction. Electricity and water 50 m from the land. More information on.

Istra, Momjan U malome istarskom selu na brežuljcima blizu prekrasnog Momjana, smještena je ova ruševna kuća sa prekrasnim panoramskim pogledom na more! Kuća se nalaze na zemljištu od ukupno 1200 m
Kerim Kapetanović Prodajni predstavnik Mob: 00385 91 641 3160 Tel: 00385 670 295 Fax: 00385 638 220 E-mail: [hidden] [hidden]
For sale is a beautiful building plot with a beautiful sea view on top of a hill near Momjan. All infrastructure is close to the land. In the vicinity of the plot there are famous restaurants, wine a