Земельные участки для покупки в Месоги, Пафос
For sale agricultural land of 18395 sq.m. in Tsada. It falls within G3 zone (agricultural) with building density 10%, coverage ratio 10%, with allowance of 2 floors and height of 8.3 m. This land has no access on a road. Πωλείται γεωργικό τεμάχιο 18395 τ.μ. στην Τσάδα. Το τεμάχιο είναι περίκλειστο και εμπίπτει στην Γ3πολεοδομική ζώνη (γεωργική). Έχει συντελεστή δόμησης 10%, συντελεστή κάλυψης 10% και άδεια για ανέγερση 2 ορόφων ύψους 8,3μ. Property Details * For Sale * Property Type: Land * Property Subtype: Agricultural * Location: Paphos, Tsada, Cyprus * Price: €180,000 * VAT: N/A * Date Available From: 14th December 2020 * Loan Installment: €882 If you wish to borrow from a bank, please find above indication of the loan installment with the assumptions used below. Loan Installment Calculations: Assumptions: Closing Price: €180,000 Own Contribution (30%): €54,000 Loan Amount (70%): €126,000 Interest rate: 3.2% Years of repayment: 15 years