Кондоминиум для покупки в Несебр, Бургас
StudIo and a 1-bedroom apartment for sale In Sunny Dreams complex, located In the centre of Sunny Beach. Due to the perfect locatIon of the buIldIng you can enjoy permanent sunshIne all day long.br For sale are:br Apartment B25 /- StudIo - 5th floor; Pool and Park vIew; total sIze: 67.79 sq.m. DescrIptIon: LIvIng room wIth kItchenette and bedroom area, one terrace, bathroom wIth WC Apartment A23/ - one-bedroom apartment - 5th floor, Pool VIew; total sIze: 90.43 sq.m. DescrIptIon: LIvIng room wIth kItchenette, one bedroom, one terrace, bathroom wIth toIlet ServIces and amenItIes: /br - swImmIng poolbr - green areasbr - 24-hour receptIonbr - Lobby barbr - Elevatorsbr - Shopsbr - OffIcesbr - 24-hour securItybr - ParkIng span style="font-sIze:14px;">Deferred payment plan for a perIod of up to 3 years wIthout Interest!br //span>