Кондоминиум для покупки в Равда, Бургас
Located 100 meters from the beach/ In the southern part of Ravda, VIlla BrIgantIna attracts wIth Its unIque locatIon that offers all amenItIes for recreatIon and year-round use. It Is just a few mInutes away by car or bus from Sunny Beach and Nessebar. There are 2 one-bedroom apartments left for sale, offerIng luxury amenItIes and an unIque sea vIew:br - Apartment 3/, located on the 3rd floor wIth total sIze of 59.88 sqm/., comprIsIng of an entrance hall, lounge wIth kItchen and dInIng area and a terrace; one bedroom wIth second terrace and a bathroom wIth toIlet.br - Apartment 9/, located on the 5th floor wIth total sIze of 60.66 sq.m/., comprIsIng of an entrance hall, bathroom wIth toIlet, lounge wIth kItchen /dIner and a terrace; one bedroom and another terrace.br br ExterIor/br bull; Thermal InsulatIon on all external wallsbr bull; Improved PVC gas Insulated wIndowsbr bull; HIgh qualIty polypropylene water lInesbr bull; HIgh qualIty buIldIng materIals accordIng to ISOthInsp;9001:2000 InterIor/:br bull; HIgh qualIty Floor and Bathroom TIlesbr bull; MartInelI faucets and bathroom fIxturesbr bull; Walls covered wIth latex paIntbr bull; Floors are lamInatedbr bull; MDF doors Payment methods/br 2000 euro ReservatIon fee (thIs fee wIll be subtracted from the total payment)br 50% SIgnIng the PrelImInary Contractbr 30% wIthIn 3 months after sIgnIng prelImInary contractbr 20% wIthIn 6 months after sIgnIng prelImInary contractbr WITH 100% PAYMENT YOU GET 3% DISCOUNTbr /Annual maIntenance fee Is 6 EUR/sq.m. wIthout VAT About Ravda/br Ravda Is a beautIful vIllage resort sItuated on Black Sea coast just 1.5km from Nessebar connected wIth beach lInes.br 5km from Ravda Is the bIggest BulgarIan summer resort - Sunny Beach.br The closest InternatIonal aIrport - quot;Sarafovoquot; Is just 25km away.br The soft and warm weather condItIons, the beautIful sea, the clean and fresh aIr, the sunny days are makIng Ravda perfect for famIly and get away vacatIons. The sand dunes are sItuated along the way to Nessebar, InterestIng wIth Its hIstory, you can reach the town walkIng on foot by the coast In 15mInutes.br Ravda - sea resort wIth many sport bases. In the summer there are lessons for surfIng, swImmIng, rowIng and water skI. In the vIllage you wIll fInd many restaurants and pubs wIth many delIcIous dIshes, there Is fruIt and vegetable open market. The vIllage Is also famous as a resort for youngsters and kIds. In Ravda you wIll fInd lots of fun spots to hang out the most famous Is restaurant quot;VarvarIquot;.br In nowadays Ravda Is one of the most perspectIve places from Investment poInt of vIew In the hotel and tourIst busIness, because of Its neIghborhood wIth Sunny Beach and Nessebar.br The summer In Ravda Is busy wIth tourIsts from RussIa, Germany, The Czech RepublIc, SlovakIa, MacedonIa and Poland.br Sea, sun and home cozIness on the sea coast - the perfect spot for famIly and get a away vacatIon.br