жилой дом для покупки в навахи, Валенсия
Relax In thIs delIghtful 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom fully furnIshed detached vIlla. Set In an IdyllIc rural locatIon, boastIng a plot of 1311m2 whIch allows plenty of space for a pool. BreathtakIng panoramIc vIews of the coast, and prIvate gardens. In perfect condItIon, wIth many specIal features you have to see to apprecIate, thIs Is offered at a keen prIce yet Is just 10 mInutes from town, and 15 mInutes from the aIrport. AddItIonal Features * CeramIc Hob * Completely EquIpped KItchen * Detached VIlla * FurnIshed * Good Road Access * Ideal FamIly Home * Many SpecIal Features * MountaIn VIew * Near amenItIes * One Level * Oven * ParkIng * QuIet LocatIon * ResIdentIal LocatIon * SpacIous AccommodatIon * Telephone * WashIng MachIne PotentIal Features * PossIbIlIty Of ExtensIon * Space For Garage * Space For Pool ExterIor Features * Courtyard * Covered Terrace * EasIly MaIntaIned Gardens * PIcturesque Garden * VarIous Terraces Decor Features * BuIlt to HIgh Standards * Excellent CondItIon * FItted Wardrobes * Full Of Character * Renovated * Tastefully Decorated Room Features * En SuIte Bathroom * LIvIng Room WIth DInIng Area * LIvIng Room WIth FIreplace