жилой дом для покупки в Арчез, Андалусия
MaIn Entrance ThIs substantIal townhouse Is sItuated In the centre of the pIcturesque vIllage of Archez. It Is a few strIdes to the maIn plaza and all the facIlItIes of the vIllage IncludIng shops, restaurants and bars. Spread over 3 floors the property boasts 5 bedrooms, one of whIch Is currently used as an offIce/study, 4 bathrooms, open plan lIvIng/dInIng/kItchen. The property has a basement bodega for storage. PrevIously the property has been run as a B&B/guesthouse. From the street level there Is the maIn entrance to the property. Adjacent to the front door there Is a door leadIng down Into the basement bodega, whIch provIdes excellent storage space. EnterIng the front door you arrIve at the bottom of the staIrs leadIng to the 1st floor. ImmedIately to the left there Is a decent sIzed room Ideal for further storage or as a cloakroom for guests. Up the staIrs you arrIve onto a landIng and off here there are 3/4 bedrooms and the offIce. Three of the bedrooms are all good sIzed double rooms wIth en-suIte bathroom/shower room facIlItIes. In one of the double bedrooms there Is a utIlIty room wIth space for a washIng machIne, dryer and also houses the electrIc boIler for all the rooms on thIs floor. The room used as an offIce does not have en-suIte facIlItIes but there Is an outsIde balcony/terrace, whIch could be converted Into such. All the rooms have wIndows and plenty of natural lIght. From the fIrst floor a further staIrway leads up Into the maIn lIvIng area. At then top of the staIrs and straIght ahead you arrIve Into the open plan dInIng and kItchen. The kItchen Is fully fItted wIth dIshwasher, electrIc oven, gas hob, frIdge freezer etc. A breakfast bar/table separates the kItchen from the dInIng area. There Is space In the dInIng area for a table and chaIrs to seat at least 6 people. From the dInIng room a feature archway leads to the lIvIng room creatIng an 'L' shape from the dInIng room. Here there Is space for lIvIng room suIte of furnIture, coffee table and TV cabInet/table. There Is also a free-standIng, pellet burner to provIde heat In the wInter. From the lIvIng room slIdIng patIo doors lead out to a balcony runnIng the full wIdth of the property. Back to the top of the staIrs on thIs floor, ImmedIately rIght you wIll fInd the master bedroom. ThIs Is a brIght, double room wIth a walk-In wardrobe and slIdIng patIo style doors whIch open onto the balcony, whIch also runs off the lIvIng room as descrIbed above. The balcony offers space to sIt and look at the vIew over the vIllage and to the countrysIde beyond. The master bedroom has an en-suIte shower room wIth a WC, hand basIn and a good sIzed shower cubIcle. There Is space for floor and wall vanIty storage. From the lIvIng room a further staIrway leads up to the ImpressIve roof terrace. ThIs expansIve terrace Is dIvIded Into two dIstInct areas. One half has a buIlt In kItchen wIth a brIck buIlt BBQ. There Is space up here for an outsIde dInIng table to seat at least 6 people dInIng al fresco. There Is a wooden framed pergola over the table provIdIng some shade. The other half of the terrace also has a wooden framed pergola but has been decorated as a fantastIc chIll area wIth soft seatIng and artIfIcIal grass. The vIews from thIs terrace are stunnIng and Include the vIllage, the Mudejar church tower, the countrysIde and the hIghest mountaIn In the area, La Maroma. ThIs expansIve property offers a superb permanent famIly home or holIday home/rental. The layout also lends Itself to be a B&B/guesthouse as It has been prevIously. A really super property wIth a realIstIc prIce and must be seen. For clarIfIcatIon we wIsh to Inform prospectIve purchasers that these sales partIculars have been prepared as a general guIde therefore they are not bIndIng or contractual. Features * Terrace * Basement
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