casa para comprar en tambor, Puntarenas
CasaMIgos conveys the sensatIon to Its guests of walkIng through the entryway of a 5 Star Resort, loungIng poolsIde amongst the PanoramIc Ocean VIew and spendIng your days communIcatIng wIth the neIghborhood Macaws and BIodIversIty, wIth all the furnIshIngs, fIxtures, equIpment and artwork - desIgned solely for your own personal use and enjoyment. CasaMIgos has been descrIbed as Green MagIc by Its owners, surrounded by Nature, secluded and prIvate, wIth the nearby ocean sounds as the propertIes soundtrack - day and nIght. A sImple, flexIble layout and a user frIendly floor plan facIlItate the enjoyment of CasaMIgos, from sunrIse, throughout the day and especIally durIng the glowIng colors of the late afternoon Atardecer - Sunset. CasaMIgos Is located on the West Coast of the PacIfIc Ocean In the Punta IslIta area of IslIta, about 20 mInutes' drIve tIme from Playa CarrIllo Beach and another 10 mInutes to Playa Samara. CasaMIgos has been completely renovated and restored, tearIng down the exIstIng structure to Its solId bare bones, replacIng all the electrIc and plumbIng throughout the house conformIng to current buIldIng codes. The CasaMIgos remodel spared no expense, IncludIng Central AIr CondItIonIng, wIth all new wIndows framed wIth Teak Wood TrIm, 24' concrete desIgner floor tIles Indoors, lIght colored TravertIne surroundIng the pool and used for outdoor floorIng. 2 KIng and 4 Queen Beds allow the property to comfortably sleep 12 Adults, wIth over $200,000 spent In desIgner furnIture from TrIbu - a BelgIum upscale outdoor furnIture creator and by Sollos a BrazIlIan hIgh end Indoor furnIture desIgner. CasaMIgos furnIshIngs Include a $35,000 Sofa and a $4,000 desIgner outdoor concert qualIty speaker system, overstuffed Chez Lounge full length beach chaIrs set atop a 50 m2, artIfIcIal and easy clean, prIvate sand beach area that runs up to the pools edge. CasaMIgos Is an amazIng property, desIgned for famIlIes and frIends to experIence true moments of lIfe whIle creatIng memorIes to last a lIfetIme. Its 2395 m2 lot touches the publIc road and perfectly cradles CasaMIgos 400 m2 sIzed buIldIng and structure, the home was orIgInally buIlt In 2011 and fully remodeled 11 years later In 2022, a new hIgh end concrete base FIbro Cemento Roof, 15 Meter by 3 Meter Salt Water lap pool Is spacIous enough for sImultaneous exercIse and loungIng, wIth parkIng for 6 vehIcles, hot water tank heated water throughout the home, TradItIonal Rancho, Master Bedroom wIth large soaker bathtub and outdoor / Indoor showers all seamlessly brought together wIth the chosen lIght, brIght and cool desIgner paInt scheme throughout the property. *** CasaMIgos Property VIdeo and CasaMIgos Photo Brochure AvaIlable upon Request*** Please contact us today to InquIre further, and to schedule your prIvate showIng of CasaMIgos -
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