Condomínio para comprar en La Vela, Múrcia
TWO or THREE BEDROOM fIrst or second floor APARTMENTS - 2/3 Bed 2 Bath, wIth a communal POOL and underground PARKING. ONLY 10 mIns to the BEACH or the AIRPORT. Apartments for sale In Torre Pacheco (MurcIa) In the heart of Costa CalIda. The fIrst phase has 22 apartments wIth 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms, there Is a communal pool and all the apartments have a prIvate solarIum, underground parkIng space and storage room. The buIldIng has 3 floors, there are 6 apartments on the ground floor and 8 apartments on the fIrst and second floors. All amenItIes are at your fIngertIps. There are supermarkets, pharmacIes, banks, schools, bars, restaurants, the beach and the aIrport are just a few mInutes away. There Is also a golf club In town very close to the apartments and there are several golf courses wIthIn a 10-25 mInute drIve from the apartments. The AP-7 hIghway Is also close by and the N-332 Is also very easIly accessIble, so you can easIly travel to other regIons such as PIlar de la Horadada, San Pedro del PInatar, OrIhuela Costa, TorrevIeja, AlIcante, etc. The prIces of these apartments are from €93,000 and wIth 100% fInancIng (accordIng to personal study). PROPERTY REFERENCE CH1003 LOCATION Located In a sought after area of ??Torre Pacheco, a small tradItIonal SpanIsh town 20 mInutes Inland from the Mar Menor. ThIs Ideal locatIon offers you much more for your money. WIthIn walkIng dIstance of local amenItIes and many bars and restaurants. Torre Pacheco Is surrounded by award-wInnIng golf courses and the entIre regIon Is consIdered one of the healthIest places to be In SpaIn. The sun shInes on average 320 days a year. Not In vaIn Is thIs coastal strIp called "Costa CalIda", the humIdIty levels are very low, all thIs leads to a perfect combInatIon of sea, subtropIcal clImate, lots of lIght and clean aIr. Torre Pacheco Is a munIcIpalIty of 34,468 InhabItants (accordIng to the INE census of 2015) belongIng to the Mar Menor regIon. It extends to the north wIth the munIcIpal term of MurcIa; to the west wIth the latter and the munIcIpalIty of Fuente Alamo; to the south wIth Cartagena; and to the east wIth the munIcIpalItIes of San JavIer and Los Alcazares. Its landscape Is characterIzed by the almost total absence of watercourses and mountaInous relIefs, wIth the exceptIon of Cabezo Gordo. The cultural herItage of the munIcIpalIty Is dotted wIth beautIful stately homes, such as the Caseron de Ros, the Casa Fontes or the Casa de Valderas; and ImposIng wInd and water mIlls, such as PasIco or TIo Pacorro. The SImas de las Palomas archaeologIcal sIte, In Cabezo Gordo, Is one of the most Important PaleolIthIc sItes In the RegIon and In SpaIn. Torre Pacheco's economy Is based maInly on IntensIve agrIculture, producIng a large quantIty of vegetables, especIally melons, mostly destIned for export. The servIces sector has gaIned Importance In recent years, especIally after the development of the IFEPA faIrgrounds, whIch benefIts from the locatIon of the munIcIpalIty, very close to Cartagena, MurcIa and the San JavIer aIrport. Among Its celebratIons, the Patron SaInt FestIvItIes stand out In honor of the VIrgen Nuestra Senora del RosarIo, whIch are celebrated In the month of October together wIth the TrInItarIan and Berber Acts sInce 1996. The Melon FestIvItIes are also Important and recognIzed, In August, as homage to one of the most Important agrI-food products In the munIcIpalIty. VIewIng Please contact us on If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * 100% FINANCE AVAILABLE * 2/3/4 BEDROOMS * FULLY EQUIPPED KITCHEN * LAUNDRY ROOM * UNDERGROUND PARKING * COMMUNAL POOL * COMMUNAL GARDENS * WALKING DISTANCE TO ALL AMENITIES * 10 MINS TO THE BEACH * 10 MINS TO CORVERA AIRPORT