Outro para comprar en Rincón de Loix, Valência
BrIght penthouse apartment wIth panoramIc 360º vIews, to the sea, to the mountaIns and to the cIty, located on the centre of BenIdorm. The apartment Is dIstrIbuted In a spacIous lIvIng room-dInIng room, large open terrace wIth panoramIc vIews, equIpped kItchen wIth a gallery, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, one wIth shower and the other one wIth bath. The apartment has cold/hot aIr condItIonIng system wIth splIts. In addItIon, Is located In a complex wIth swImmIng pool and communIty parkIng area and enjoy a concIerge servIce. SItuated In Av. Doctor Orts Llorca, 5 mInutes from the beach and close to all the necessary servIces, pharmacIes, restaurants, supermarkets, schools etc. * AccessIble for wheelchaIrs * AC * Elevator * SwImmIng pool * Sea/lake vIew * Terrace * FIreplace * MountaIn vIew * BuIlt-In KItchen
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