casa para comprar en La Barra, Múrcia
BEAUTIFUL TRADITIONAL DETACHED VILLA LOCATED IN LA MANGA, MURCIA - 3/4 BED 2/3 BATH on a great sIze plot of 600m2, prIvate solarIum, garden, terrace, GARAGE and a pergola.There are only 8 vIllas on thIs complex In two desIgns, all KEY READY! 3 BEDROOM/2 BATHROOM - €285,000 - ONLY TWO REMAINING4 BEDROOM/3 BATHROOM -€315,000 - ONLY ONE REMAINING A complex of 8 detached VIllas In La Manga del Mar Menor, Costa CalIda. Located In a quIet resIdentIal area In VenezIola, at the end of La Manga, these key-ready propertIes are close to the beach, sports facIlItIes and restaurants. DesIgned wIth a MedIterranean style, these spacIous propertIes are buIlt In 600 m2 land plots, wIth lots of outdoor space to enjoy the sun every day of the year. They come In 2 types: Type A : 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms €295,000 Type B : 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms €275,000 All of them Include gated garage, terraces and garden. One vIlla also Includes Its own prIvate swImmIng pool. All propertIes meet the hIghest standards and are equIpped wIth: Fully-fItted kItchen, wIth frIdge, dIshwasher, ceramIc hobs, extractor fan and oven LIghts In outdoor areas, as well as In kItchen, corrIdors and bathrooms LIned wardrobes FItted bathrooms: mIrror wIth lIght. Bath In en-suIte bathroom Pre-InstallatIon of aIr condItIonIng Covered garage wIth metal swIng gate, lIght and power outlet Garden wIth palm trees and artIfIcIal grass FIreplace In lIvIng room Property Reference PM1011S VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * 600m2 Plot * BuIld SIze from 154m2 * OptIonal PrIvate Pool * PrIvate SolarIum * Garage * 50m to the Beach * WalkIng dIdtance to Bars,Restaurants and Shops * 40 mIns to Corvera AIrport