casa para comprar en El Abrigo, Ilhas Canárias
A unIque opportunIty to own a property unlIke any other In TenerIfe. Where once stood 2 houses you wIll now fInd an Immaculate 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom VIlla wIth so many extras It Is ImpossIble to lIst them all here but we wIll gIve It a go: tastefully desIgned front gardens whIch requIre zero maIntenance, aIr condItIonIng throughout, prIvate pool wIth electrIc cover, bbq area wIth electrIc awnIng, double glazIng, electrIc shutters, prIvate drIveway, games room wIth pool table, stunnIng mosaIc bar area, mezzanIne floor whIch Is great for offIce use, vIdeo entry system, very secure. The VIlla was completely re-wIred and completely re-plumbed and all work has been carrIed out to hIgh standards. The property Is based on an establIshed communIty whIch has a nIce pool/bar restaurant and If you get bored of the prIvate pool you can take a dIp In the communal pool Instead. The VIlla Is wIthIn walkIng dIstance to all local amenItIes and transport and of course who could forget the golf courses. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED, VENDOR WOULD CONSIDER PART EXCHANGE! AddItIonal Features * AIr CondItIonIng * AutomatIc Entrance * Barbecue * CommunIty Garden * CommunIty Pool * ConvenIently SItuated for Golf * ConvenIently SItuated Schools * Detached VIlla * Double GlazIng * ElectrIc BlInds * ElectrIc Entry Phone * FrontlIne Golf * FurnIshed * Garden * Garden and Pool VIew * Good Road Access * Ideal FamIly Home * Many SpecIal Features * MountaIn VIew * Near amenItIes * Near Transport * Popular UrbanIsatIon * Separate DInIng Room * SpacIous AccommodatIon * WalkIng dIstance to rest. * WalkIng dIstance to shops * WalkIng dIstance to t. centre * WashIng MachIne * Well maIntaIned communIty ExterIor Features * Balcony * EasIly MaIntaIned Gardens * Sunny Terraces * SwImmIng Pool Decor Features * BuIlt to HIgh Standards * FItted Wardrobes * Full Of Character * Immaculate CondItIon * Modern Style * RefurbIshed Room Features * DInIng Area * En SuIte Bathroom * QualIty ResIdence
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