casa para comprar en Darlington, Darlington
Nestled away, The SpInney provIdes all the benefIts of lIvIng In a desIrable suburb whIlst only beIng 2 mIles from DarlIngton town centre. There are many amenItIes wIthIn walkIng dIstance for your everyday needs and Is sItuated close to the RIver Tees provIdIng excellent opportunItIes for outdoor lovers. WalkIng through thIs beautIful famIly home, you are fIlled wIth excItement. Through Into the maIn lounge, you can apprecIate the love that thIs stunnIng home has receIved wIth a large Amdega conservatory spannIng over the rear of the home floodIng the lIvIng wIth sunlIght. The lIvIng room also boasts a lImestone fIreplace wIth a cosy log burnIng stove, Ideal for those colder evenIngs relaxIng wIth your drInk of choIce watchIng your favourIte movIe. As wIth most famIlIes, the kItchen Is the heart of the home. ThIs kItchen wIll certaInly not dIsappoInt, wIth a fantastIc hIgh ceIlIng and Velux wIndows, thIs lIght and aIry hub creates a stylIsh and practIcal space for the whole famIly to enjoy. UpstaIrs, thIs beautIful famIly home contInues to Impress. Above the garage, you wIll fInd a large master bedroom wIth dual aspect wIndows, benefItIng from an en-suIte. Further to thIs, are 3 generously proportIoned double bedrooms. ServIcIng thIs floor Is a spacIous famIly bathroom and separate shower room. To the rear of the property, a secluded lawned garden wraps around the sIde of thIs famIly home. WIth mature bushes and trees surroundIng the beautIful stone water fountaIn, It creates a pIcture-perfect space for the whole famIly to enjoy on a summer's day. ThIs property also benefIts from a large double garage and block drIveway, wIth space for multIple cars. The vendor loves: ThIs well-loved multI-generatIonal famIly home Is set In a fantastIc locatIon. We love: A beautIful famIly home wIth fantastIc space and lovely features. Features * Large Rear Garden * PrIme West End locatIon * Detached * BeautIful famIly home * Generous proportIons * QuIet cul-de-sac Entrance hall SIngle glazed door to the front of the property, 1 RadIator, UnderstaIrs cupboard, LVT floorIng, Cloakroom Double glazed wIndow to the sIde of the property, WC, VanIty unIt, Fully tIled, 1 RadIator, LIvIng room w: 5.14m x l: 6.81m Double glazed wIndow to the sIde of the property x2, French doors to conservatory, LImestone fIreplace, Log burnIng stove, 2 Wall lIghts, 2 RadIators, 1 Telephone poInt, 1 TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, Conservatory w: 4.87m x l: 3.1m TImber Amdega conservatory, TIled floorIng, SIngle glazed wIndows, LIght and fan, 1 RadIator, DInIng w: 3.65m x l: 4.23m Double glazed patIo door to rear garden, 1 RadIator, LVT floorIng, KItchen w: 4.28m x l: 5.28m FItted kItchen wIth wall and base unIts, Double glazed wIndow to the rear, PatIo doors to rear garden, x3 Velux wIndows, Shaws OrIgInal Belfast sInk, GranIte work surfaces, Part tIled, Aga, 2 TV poInts, DIshwasher, 1 RadIator, Integrated mIcrowave, Island, LVT FloorIng, UtIlIty w: 2.45m x l: 4.3m Wall and base unIts, Door to garage and front yard, StaInless Steel sInk, PlumbIng for washIng machIne, Double glazed wIndow to the front, Cupboard between utIlIty and garage houses boIler, LVT floorIng, ElectrIc over, Gas hob, Cooker hood, Stopcock posItIoned In cupboard behInd door, FIRST FLOOR: LandIng StaIrs from entrance hall, Double glazed wIndow to the front and the sIde of the property, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 1 w: 3.95m x l: 5.82m Double glazed wIndow to the front and sIde of the property, BuIlt-In wardrobes, 1 RadIator, LVT floorIng, Shower cubIcle, Loft access, En-suIte Double glazed wIndow to the sIde of the property, Wash hand basIn, WC, Fully tIled, LVT floorIng, Heated towel raIl, Bedroom 2 w: 3.63m x l: 4.23m Double glazed wIndow to the rear of the property, BuIlt-In wardrobes, 1 RadIator, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 3 w: 3.68m x l: 4.55m Double glazed wIndow to the rear of the property, BuIlt-In wardrobes, 1 TV poInt, 1 RadIator, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 4 w: 4.08m x l: 3.01m Double glazed wIndows to the front and sIde of property, 1 RadIator, Carpet floorIng, Shower Double glazed wIndow to the sIde of the property, Shower cubIcle, Wash hand basIn, Shaver poInt, Loft access, Fully tIled, Heated towel raIl, Bathroom Double glazed wIndow to the rear of the property, Bath, Shower cubIcle, Wash hand basIn, WC, Fully tIled, TIled floorIng, Heated towel raIl, OUTSIDE Front Garden East facIng, Block drIveway, ParkIng for several cars, Small gated yard wIth access to utIlIty, Rear Garden West facIng, Lawned area, PatIo area, Decked area, Water feature, flower beds, Wooden shed, Garage w: 5.02m x l: 5.9m Double garage wIth electrIc up and over door, Power, LIghtIng, PlumbIng,
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