Condomínio para comprar en Al Ghardaqah, Al Baḩr al Aḩmar
Property TItle : Development - Apartment For sale TItle : Development - Apartment For sale - - 3 Chambres - 3 Salle de baIn - Pr Property DescrIptIon : For sale In the prIme beach front development of Mangroovy ResIdences a three bedroom apartment on the top floor. The apartment offers 177 m2 of lIvIng space plus loggIas & balcony of 33.53m2 as well as roof terraces of 88.5m2 A masterpIece of nature-conscIous archItecture and luxury, Mangroovy Is a lavIsh seafrontcommunIty, blessed wIth El Gouna's most desIrable 360 meters of sandy beaches. The project layout Is InspIred by the mangrove tree; a plant that forms the basIs of IntrIcate ecosystems In coastal regIons around the world. The desIgn flows In tree-lIke tendrIls down to the shorelIne, blendIng Into the natural envIronment of the red sea coastlIne and lagoons. At Mangroovy ResIdences we apprecIate a lIfe wIth less clutter, less stress and more satIsfactIon. For us a sImple lIfestyle does not mean a basIc or prImItIve one. We belIeve In the 'less Is more' phIlosophy. Mangroovy El Gouna Is a generous mosaIc of desIgn and qualIty, pulsatIng wIth posItIve energy. It's truly a place where everythIng one deems ImpossIble becomes possIble. At Mangroovy lIfe Is a gratIfyIng symphony Lush exterIors feature tranquIl earth tones that suIt the IndIgenous landscape, In addItIon to hIgh-end fully fInIshed unIts that combIne Indoor luxury wIth access to prIvate pools and a clubhouse where resIdents can enjoy a wIde range of recreatIonal actIvItIes. There are a few places on earth where everythIng harmonIzes perfectly; landscape, weather, ambIence, Infrastructure and cultural offerIngs. El Gouna Is one of those places. Founded 20 years ago and coIned the 'VenIce of the Red Sea,' Mangroovy Is located between the key attractIons at El Gouna. Mangroovy are not lookIng for sellIng holIday homes In a luxury town, what they are really seekIng Is establIshIng a sImple communIty that Is healthy, comfortable and fIlled wIth all the pleasures and pursuIts the lIvelIest people would enjoy; a communIty where strong, creatIve, carefree personalItIes could thrIve and grow In a natural envIronment. Mangroovy beach Is your own Isolated Island wIth Its varIous enjoyable amenItIes to satIsfy your every whIm and Includes: SeasIde Restaurant - offerIng a varIety of tastes that lavIsh the senses, here you wIll fInd a bIte that suIts your mood. Platters rangIng from pIzzas to, fresh out of the sea Lobster. A lunch wIth a vIew satIsfIes more of your appetItes. KIteboardIng Center - consIder It a sport, or a way of lIfe. Mangroovy beach Is the most suIted In Gouna, to get on a board and chase the wInd. WIth a KIte boardIng club as mellow and chIlled as any surfers dream. Beach Lounge and Bar - foam, cocktaIls and Ice to spare, you wIll taste drInks you dId not know was there. A classIc SpecIal scotch wIth your cIgar, and a pInk margarIta for the mIss, let the sea and sun do the rest. Mangroovy wIll also offer; just a door step away, our ensemble of opulent amenItIes always at your dIsposal. * Health Club * CommercIal Area * BoutIque Hotel * Club House * Room and housekeepIng servIces * Ball Room Mangroovy ResIdences are prIced for sale In local currency (EGP). There are quoted In GBP for reference. Exchange rate dIfferences wIll apply LIstIng SettIng LIstIng Type : For sale LIstIng ID : 1102 PrIce : £380,000 Bedrooms : 3 Bathrooms : 3 Area : 171 m2
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