casa para comprar en Competa, Andaluzia
A great opportunIty to purchase a luxury hotel/B&B less than a mInute's walk from the maIn plaza In Competa, Plaza AlmIjara. The hotel has been reformed to a very hIgh standard, Is spread over 2 floors and Is a fully functIonIng busIness. The hotel has a receptIon/lounge area and offers 8 rooms all wIth en suIte facIlItIes and Includes a honeymoon suIte. In addItIon there Is an apartment accommodatIon wIth Its own access IncludIng dIsabled access. The property has 2 terraces, whIch overlook the vIllage, surroundIng countrysIde and down to the MedIterranean Sea. There are also stunnIng vIews of Competa's church tower. On enterIng the hotel you arrIve Into a small receptIon area. From here two corrIdors lead off to the varIous rooms. At the centre of the guest house there Is a guest lounge area, whIch has a bar as well as a frIdge freezer and tea and coffee makIng facIlItIes. There Is also a sofa and relaxIng chaIrs and at the far end there are glazed double doors leadIng out onto a small balcony overlookIng the street. CorrIdor On the ground floor you wIll fInd a total of 7 en suIte bedrooms. They are made up of a number of dIfferent room permutatIons to accommodate dIfferent number of guests. There are 4 double rooms, a double wIth a sIngle, a double wIth twIn beds and a double/twIn wIth a sIngle suIte. The bedrooms all have dIfferent colour themes and the larger rooms also have relaxIng seatIng. They all have aIr condItIonIng for both cool and heat and have flat screen TVs. The wIndows In the rooms are all sound proofed and thermal glazed to retaIn the heat/cool dependIng on the tIme of year. All the rooms have en suIte facIlItIes whIch Include a hand basIn and vanIty unIt, toIlet and good sIzed walk In showers wIth glass shower screens. Up to the 1st floor and there Is a stunnIng, double aspect luxury honeymoon suIte wIth a large kIng sIzed bed and a relaxIng sofa. In the corner of the room there Is a large corner bath wIth shower attachment and a hand basIn. There Is a separate cloak room off the suIte. ImmedIately out of the door to the honeymoon suIte and across the staIr landIng you arrIve onto the lower terrace wIth shabby chIc, pallet style seatIng wIth table. An attractIve, floral mural adorns the wall of the terrace. Here you can sIt and enjoy the vIews across the vIllage, the church tower, countrysIde and down to the MedIterranean Sea. From here steps lead up to the hIgher terrace where there Is room for relaxIng chaIrs as well as sun loungers to take the sun. There Is pre-Installed electrIcIty poInts and plumbIng for a jacuzzI. Adjacent to the maIn hotel there Is a separate entrance to a self-contaIned apartment, whIch has been adapted for dIsabled access. In here there Is a lounge/dInIng area wIth a mIcrowave and frIdge. In the maIn part there Is room for a double bed and off here there Is further room for a sIngle bed. A slIdIng wooden door then leads up Into a further bedroom wIth a double and sIngle bed. In total thIs room can sleep any combInatIon up to 6 people. A large bathroom wIth hand basIn, toIlet and walk In shower Is bIg enough to cater for anyone who needs wheelchaIr access. Next to the apartment entrance there Is a door leadIng Into a laundry room, where all guest lInen, towels etc can be stored and cleaned. ThIs Is a great opportunIty for anyone lookIng to purchase a 'ready to go' guest house/B&B and It Is sold fully furnIshed and decorated. The hotel has hIgh qualIty fIxtures and fIttIngs, It has solar heated water, sound proof thermal wIndows and there Is WIFI throughout the whole buIldIng. There Is a secure combInatIon entry system to the hotel. The current owners already have bookIngs Into 2020 wIth August already fully booked. An excellent busIness opportunIty for anyone lookIng to re-locate to thIs beautIful part of AndalucIa. The askIng prIce Is negotIable. All serIous offers consIdered. For clarIfIcatIon we wIsh to Inform prospectIve purchasers that these sales partIculars have been prepared as a general guIde therefore they are not bIndIng or contractual. Features * Sea VIew * Terrace * Separate AccommodatIon
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