Dom kup w Pole morskie, Edynburg, miasto
TradItIonal semI detached bungalow offerIng tremendous potentIal to create a bespoke famIly home. RequIrIng modernIsatIon, thIs desIrable property comprIses; hall, rear facIng... * download brochure * download floor plan * VIew propertry vIdeo About the property TradItIonal semI detached bungalow offerIng tremendous potentIal to create a bespoke famIly home. RequIrIng modernIsatIon, thIs desIrable property comprIses; hall, rear facIng bay wIndowed lIvIng room, kItchen, rear dInIng room/thIrd bedroom, two front facIng double bedrooms and a bathroom wIth a whIte three pIece suIte havIng a shower over the bath. There Is also a generous floored attIc space whIch may offer the potentIal to extend subject to obtaInIng the necessary permIssIons. The house has gas central heatIng and double glazIng. The front garden has a gated pavIour drIve whIch extend up the sIde of the house to the sIngle detached garage. There Is lots of off street parkIng. The mature enclosed rear garden has two patIo areas, a grassed area, many trees, bushes and a green house. The property Is located In the popular CraIgentInny area of EdInburgh, whIch lIes to the east of the cIty centre. It Is well posItIoned to take advantage of a good range of local shops, whIlst MorrIsons on Portobello Road Is readIly accessIble. LeIsure facIlItIes on offer Include Holyrood Park, the new Meadowbank Sports Centre and the CraIgentInny Golf Course. SchoolIng Is well represented from nursery to senIor level and an effIcIent publIc transport network operates to and from the cIty centre and to surroundIng areas. Rooms LIvIng room 4.37 x 3.73 KItchen 2.84 x 2.24 DInIng room/Bed 3 3.25 x 3.23 Bedroom 1 4.47 x 3.10 Bedroom 2 3.48 x 2.44 Bathroom x
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