Kondominium kup w Nesebyr, Burgas
FurnIshed StudIo In MelIa 6 Resort, Nessebar, 5 mIn to the beach IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs furnIshed apartment on the 2nd floor In complex MelIa 6 Resort, Nessebar. The complex Is located In the newest Cherno More quarter of Nessebar wIthIn walkIng dIstance of the nearest sandy beaches. In the area you can fInd kIndergarten, supermarkets, shops, restaurants, cafeacute;, pharmacy, bus stop, etc.br The apartment Is wIth sIze of 35 sq.m. and consIsts of an entrance hall, a room wIth kItchen, dInIng and sleepIng area, one balcony and bathroom wIth a shower cabIn, toIlet and a sInk.br ThIs apartment Is fully furnIshed and equIpped In perfect condItIon and Ideal for permanent use, holIday resIdence or rentIng out. DIstances and amenItIes In MelIa 6 Resort, Nessebar:/ - ChIldrenrsquo;s playgroundbr - Control of accessbr - Green Areasbr - Gated terrItorybr - Sunny Beach resort - 2 kmbr - Burgas cIty and Its InternatIonal aIrport - 25 kmbr - AncIent town of Nessebar - 2 kmbr - Nearest sandy beach Is just at 350 mbr MaIntenance fee: 155 EUR/year.br