Przemysłowy kup w Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Słynna restauracja na sprzedaż. Znajduje się w samym centrum Saskatoon i jest zarządzany od dawna z ogromną liczbą klientów. Ma świetną reputację we wszelkiego rodzaju mediach, a roczny dochód może wynosić 1000000 $. Jest blisko uczelni, uniwersytetu, hoteli i mieszkańców. Całkowita powierzchnia budynku to 4746 m2 z obszarem do gier w środku, a cena obejmuje cały sprzęt i maszyny, dobrą wolę, nazwę handlową i tak dalej. To jest dobre dla SINP.
Możesz być zainteresowany:
Eastern Market is an amazing Business located in the bustling neighborhood of Riversdale. This buisness has been in the community for 20 years. Parking is ample, and the location is perfect for any fa
Thinking about starting a yoga studio or a health/fitness centre? Opportunity awaits at this 5,000 sqft second floor space located on the 100 block of 20th street downtown Saskatoon. The largest ro
Turn-key business opportunity at fantastic downtown core location! The one and only one restaurant/cafe in the Medical Arts Building. Recently renovated 737 sq ft space with newer equipment and fixtur
Thinking about starting a yoga studio or a health/fitness centre? Opportunity awaits at this 5,000 sqft second floor space located on the 100 block of 20th street downtown Saskatoon. The largest room
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Amazing local business opportunity awaits!! Beautiful cafe conveniently located in the heart of downtown Saskatoon. A turnkey business with repeat customers and great catering opportunities to many bu