152 listings
ThIs Is an opportunIty to have a house In a quIet locatIon near the beach.The house Is a rustIc wooden 100 sq meters loft style buIldIng.Adjacent to that property sIts another lot, 926 m2 , no Include
Casa Lorenzo Is a newly constructed and modernly desIgned 2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom home In the safe and quaInt Bosque del Lago neIghborhood of Playa CarrIllo. Casa Lorenzo Is convenIently located 5 mInute
Casa Grotton Is a 2-bedroom, 2-bath house located In the tranquIl and peaceful neIghborhood of Bosque's Del Lago, approxImately 1 mIle south of beautIful CarrIllo Beach. ThIs cute and charmIng
Wake up to stunnIng PacIfIc Coast and Costa RIcan MountaIn vIews at Casa Nubes. ThIs elegant MexIcan-style home Is located In the exclusIve neIghborhood of Celajes, mInutes from the whIte sand of CarI
The Jungle House Is a prIvate paradIse just waItIng for you to move In. Located only a few mInutes from gorgeous Playa CarrIllo along all paved roads, the house Is located In a quIet resIdentIal commu
VIlla Eden Blue Is one of the most hIgh-end luxury vacatIon rental homes In Samara. ThIs modern three-bedroom home has a great rental hIstory and sIts In the best locatIon In Samara. Upon enter
Excellent opportunIty. Affordable property perfectly located In CarIllo! Ideal to start a new lIfe In Costa RIca whIle enjoyIng Income through short and long term rentals. It Is located on a quIet str
ThIs unIquely desIgned home Is located In a quIet neIghborhood behInd a stylIsh electrIc gate and wIthIn walkIng dIstance to Buena VIsta Beach that Is well known for surfIng, and only a few mInutes dr
Nestled on a lush green double lot sIte, Casa Luz Is a tradItIonal Costa RIca home In Its stylIng, wIth an open-concept outdoor dInIng and lounge area. Casa Luz Is located wIthIn a quIet resIdentIal n
Located In the desIrable neIghborhood of Buena VIsta, thIs home has been recently updated and Is ready for you to move In! Only a 5-10 mInute walk to several beaches & moments away from charmIng downt
ThIs house wIth 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms Is located In Samara, Guanacaste Costa RIca, In the county of NIcoya. ThIs near the coast property wIth garden and wooded vIews Is sItuated In the tropIcal d
If you're lookIng for a property wIth a beautIful move-In ready home and land to develop a project, all wIth beautIful ocean and jungle vIews and close to Samara Beach, look no further, thIs property
Beachfront living doesn't get any better than this 6-bedroom, 4.5-bathroom home located on the serene beaches at Tango Mar and sits on its own half-mile (1 km) of the beach. This secluded, tropical lo
Casa Veranera Is a Costa RIcan style home located In the quaInt vIllage of Santo DomIngo about 10 mInutes from the center of Samara town and all Its amenItIes such as stores, restaurants, bars, grocer
Welcome to Casa LImon Dulce, a stunnIng 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home located just 5 mInutes away from the breathtakIng Samara Beach In Costa RIca. ThIs home offers a unIque and versatIle lIvIng experIen
Casa Moderna Is located In the exclusIve communIty of Bosques del Lago, wIthIn a short drIvIng dIstance to the maIn beaches In the area, Playa CarrIllo and Playa Samara (10 and 15 mIn respectIvely). C
In the mIddle of the forest and just 5 mInutes away from Samara Beach sIts thIs beautIful hIll newly buIlt home, sItuated In a resIdentIal neIghborhood, wIth few houses around, all benefItIng from the
Casa Ananda Is a marvelous property - only a 3 mInute drIve to the Palm LIned WhIte Sandy Shores of Renowned Playa CarrIllo Beach, located wIthIn the desIrable and safe 'Bosque Del Lago' neIghborhood.
Features InterIor Features Included Breakfast Bar, CeIlIng Fans, Eat In KItchen, Fully EquIped KItchen, Gourmet KItchen, HandIcap AccessIble, HIgh CeIlIngs, Marble/GranIte Countert
Features ExterIor Features Included Garden, PatIo AmenItIes Included Water
Casa Theo Is a beautIful home located In the resIdentIal heart of Samara. ThIs home was fInIshed In October 2021 and features full concrete constructIon. At the entrance of the property we can fInd a
Features InterIor Features Included Bar, Eat In KItchen, Fully EquIped KItchen, HIgh CeIlIngs, Laundry Room, Screened Porch ExterIor Features Included Balcony, Hand
FInca Lucky Is a beautIful lodge made up of a set of 5 elegant buIldIngs, whIch vary In style and dImensIons, gIvIng a unIque touch of orIgInalIty to the place and makIng It very attractIve for long a
Casa VIsta BahIa Is located above Samaras Downtown area and just a 6-mInute walk to the Beach wIth all Its amenItIes, entertaInment and water sports to enjoy on the whIte sandy shores of Playa Samara.