6 listings
Grunnleie Flat land med tilgang til Fat Hogs Bay ved sjøen kun for kommersiell bruk. Kontakt Akeem - 284-541-6861 for mer informasjon Pris: $6000/måned USD Adresse: Fat Hog's B
Are you in search of land for lease? If so, don't miss this opportunity to lease this plot of land. This land is ideal for recreational purposes, warehouse or for storage that needs easy access
Commercial Space for Rent** Immediately available Main Street $1,200.00/month Located on Main Street walking distance to the heart of town this space is ideal for a small o
Commercial Space for Rent** Immediately available $800.00/month. Located on Abbot Road, at the back of Main Street. This 208 sq.ft space for rent is ideal for a small office/retai
Commercial Space for Rent* Immediately available $1200.00/month. Located on Main Street this convenient office space is ideal for a small office opportunity. -Utilities not
Kommersielle lagerenheter til leie. Bygget er armert betong vegger og tak. Tilgang til vann er ikke tilgjengelig i bygningen. 3. nivå (kun trappetilgang, heis kommer snart) 400E - 835 sq