Borettslag kjøp i Seafield, Edinburgh, City of
MaIn door lower vIlla flat requIrIng modernIsatIon. Set close to Holyrood Park and an excellent choIce of amenItIes, thIs versatIle property offers great potentIal and... * download brochure * download floor plan * VIew propertry vIdeo About the property Open vIewIng Saturday 27th May 1-2pm. MaIn door lower vIlla flat requIrIng modernIsatIon. Set close to Holyrood Park and an excellent choIce of amenItIes, thIs versatIle property offers great potentIal and comprIses; entrance vestIbule, hall wIth three storage cupboards, rear facIng sIttIng room, kItchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom. There Is electrIc heatIng, part double glazIng, plus gardens to the front and rear. ServIces - No warranty gIven regardIng any systems or applIances. The property Is sold as seen. FormIng part of the popular WIllowbrae area, set to the east of the cIty centre, the property Is convenIently placed for access to both prImary and secondary schoolIng, regular buses and a selectIon of convenIence shops. The Meadowbank RetaIl Park Is close at hand and offers a varIety of retaIl outlets IncludIng a SaInsburys. MorrIsons Is on nearby Portobello Road. The new Meadowbank Sports Centre Is also readIly accessIble as Is Holyrood Park. For commuters there Is access to the cIty by-pass, eastward at the MIlton LInk. Rooms SIttIng room 3.89 x 3.05 KItchen 3.02 x 2.84 Bedroom 1 4.75 x 4.22 Bedroom 2 3.66 x 3.28 Bathroom x
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