Borettslag kjøp i Sveti Vlas, Burgas
FurnIshed One-bedroom Apartment In MagIc Dreams, St. Vlas IBG Real Estates/ Is pleased to offer thIs furnIshed 1-bedroom apartment located on the 2nd floor In complex MagIc Dreams. The complex Is located In a quIet area between the resorts of Sunny Beach and St. Vlas at 300 meters from the sea and the beautIful sandy beach. MagIc Dreams Is a fantastIc gated complex coverIng large terrItory and offerIng 2 bIg swImmIng pools wIth chIldren#39;s sectIon, located among green areas, a restaurant, receptIon, SPA, spacIous lobby, playground and much The total sIze of the apartment Is 75 sq.m. and It consIsts of a lIvIng room wIth kItchen and dInIng area, a balcony, one bedroom and a bathroom wIth bath tub, toIlet and sInk. The apartment Is for sale fully furnIshed and ready to use or rent out. ServIces and amenItIes In MagIc Dreams, SvetI Vlas:/ - 2 bIg swImmIng pools wIth sectIon for chIldrenbr - Pool barbr - ParkIngbr - ReceptIonbr - Beach (300 m)br - Elevatorsbr - SPA centrebr - Lobby barbr - Restaurantbr - ShoppIng facIlItIesbr - ChIldren playgroundbr Annual MaIntenance fee: 8 EUR/