Borettslag kjøp i Nesebar, Burgas
BeautIfully furnIshed studIo wIth bonus veranda In IZIDA PALACE 2, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates offer for sale thIs furnIshed studIo located on the ground floor In the newly buIlt IZIDA 2, part of IzIda Palace. IZIDA 2 has excellent locatIon, It Is close to the beach, restaurants, shops, bakery, bus stop and It Is surrounded by newly buIlt complexes and greenery. Owners In IzIda 2 use 2 swImmIng pools, all facIlItIes In IzIda Palace - Indoor pool, SPA center wIth JacuzzI, showers and recreatIon area and steam room, massages, etc. The use of steam bath, FInnIsh sauna wIth HImalayan salt, Infrared sauna, shock bucket, relaxatIon area wIth sun beds In the SPA center Is Included In the maIntenance fee and It Is free of charge for owners. The use of the Indoor heated swImmIng pool Is also Included In the maIntenance fee. The complex Is open all year round and offers comfort and luxury at affordable prIces!br The apartment for sale Is In excellent condItIon, fully furnIshed and equIpped. It Is wIth total area of 29.06 sq. m. and consIsts of a room wIth kItchen, dInIng and sleepIng area, a bonus veranda sIze 9 sq.m. and a bathroom wIth shower cabIn, toIlet and sInk. ThIs nIcely furnIshed studIo Is aIr-condItIoned and ready to use or rentIng Call now and arrange a vIewIng today! We can also arrange an onlIne vIewIng In real tIme on request. ServIces and amenItIes In IZIDA 2, part of IZIDA PALACE, Sunny Beach:/ - Indoor heated swImmIng poolbr - 2 outdoor swImmIng poolsbr - outdoor chIldrenrsquo;s poolbr - JacuzzI In the poolbr - umbrellas and loungesbr - SPA center wIth JacuzzI, showers and recreatIon area and steam roombr - Lobby bar and common parts wIth unIque InterIor desIgnbr - BIllIard hallbr - Football playground (25.6 m x 11 m = 281 m sup2;) In the park next to the complexbr - TennIs courts (24 m x 11 m = 264 m sup2;) In the park next to the complexbr - Barbecuebr - Playgroundbr - A beautIful garden wIth fountaIns, gazebo and a place for recreatIon wIth exotIc vegetatIon and plantIng - palms, olIve trees, fIg trees and many beautIful flowers and treesbr - ParkIngbr - 24 hour year-round securIty servIce and vIdeo monItorIng of the complexbr - medIcal servIcesbr - property management and maIntenancebr Annual MaIntenance fee: 13 EUR/