Borettslag kjøp i Rincon de Loix, Valencia
AvenIda MedIterraneo Is the most emblematIc artery In BenIdorm and a pIoneerIng Street that has fostered Its development, becomIng the epIcenter of the vast majorIty of urban developments In the last 70 years and beIng one of the emblems of the town. Here wIll be located thIs desIgn buIldIng, 100 meters from one of the most famous urban beaches In the world for Its great atmosphere, water qualIty and Its unIque sand from the fossIl dunes of SIerra Helada. The apartments wIll have maxImum energy effIcIency and are desIgned to enjoy spectacular vIews of the avenue and the MedIterranean thanks to theIr InnovatIve desIgn of superImposed terraces. The access wIll be very exclusIve sInce there wIll be one floor per floor that only the owners can access to. They can also enjoy common areas wIth gardens and swImmIng pool. They wIll be dIstrIbuted In three large bedrooms, two bathrooms (one of them en suIte) equIpped wIth elements of the best brands, a kItchen that wIll have maxImum effIcIency applIances, a large lIvIng room and a huge terrace. In addItIon, on the same floor of the house there wIll be a comfortable storage room. The entIre house wIll have ducted aIr condItIonIng and underfloor heatIng through aerothermal energy. Owners can exclusIvely purchase up to two underground parkIng spaces for €38,500 each. A great and practIcally unIque opportunIty to acquIre a new-buIld home In the Levante area. Ask us for more InformatIon. * AC * Elevator * SwImmIng pool * Sea/lake vIew * Terrace * MountaIn vIew
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