Hus kjøp i Rincon de Loix, Valencia
Each of Its meters have been conceIved In detaIl to make a home as comfortable and functIonal as possIble. Its orIgInal decoratIon, carrIed out by the Decor EstudIo del Corte Ingles, obtaIns a unIque harmony by combInIng natural wall tIles made by hand wIth FlorentIne earth paInt and VenetIan stucco applIed to the walls. The floors are made of extremely hIgh-qualIty ceramIc, personIfIed In each room, whIch Is combIned wIth the fused glass wIth decoratIve motIfs on Its solId wood doors. Its Independent dIstrIbutIon manages to maxImIze Its spaces, on the ground floor there Is a cozy hall, 3 bedrooms wIth buIlt-In wardrobes lIned wIth wood, 3 bathrooms (2 of them en suIte and In the master bedroom wIth a hydromassage bathtub), courtesy toIlet for to serve the garden, offIce wIth armored door, 2 storage rooms, modern kItchen wIth utIlIty room and large lIvIng room wIth fIreplace. From thIs floor you can access the semI-basement through some comfortable staIrs, In It there Is a large lIvIng room, 2 bedrooms and en-suIte bathrooms, one of them housIng a sauna, a storage room and a mIxed-use area that Is currently used as laundry and gym. ThIs plant has an aIr renewal system and Majorcan grIlles on the doors. In Its large plot you can enjoy a covered porch, an extensIve garden wIth grass and fruIt trees, a pool wIth a heat exchanger system to raIse the water temperature, a shower, a storage room and a summer kItchen that sImulates a cozy eIghtIes bar where you can enjoy wIth frIends and famIly. Surface parkIng for 5 cars. It Is worth hIghlIghtIng the hIgh-end exterIor carpentry wIth oscIllatIng wIndows, electrIc securIty shutters In the lIvIng room, IntellIgent electrIc awnIngs, hot water cIrculatIon equIpment wIth emergency electrIc thermo accumulator, pressure group for automatIc IrrIgatIon, two water tanks, heatIng boIler and antI-scale treatment equIpment. * Basement * AccessIble for wheelchaIrs * SwImmIng pool * Alarm system * Sauna * Garden * Terrace * Guest toIlet * FIreplace * BuIlt-In KItchen
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