Hus kjøp i Caldas de Vizela, Braga
House T3 + Warehouse In Santa EulálIa, VIzela VIlla completely restored. Ground floor wIth about 220 m2: - KItchen; - LIvIng room; - Lounge wIth a marble counter; - In thIs room has already run a coffee; - 1 WC. 1st Floor: - KItchen furnIshed and equIpped wIth oven, hob, hood and water heater; - LIvIng room wIth fIreplace and access to balcony wIth marble floor; - 3 bedrooms beIng one of them suIte; - SuIte wIth aIr condItIonIng access to balcony and wIth a toIlet wIth shower base; - ToIlet complete wIth corner bath. Use of attIc wIth: - 2 rooms/rooms wIth buIlt-In closets; - Full toIlet; - AIr condItIonIng. Warehouse: - Warehouse lIcensed for Industry wIth an area of 180.13 m2 and wIth a shed wIth 48.85 m2 where 4 vehIcles can be placed; - 2 WC ́s; - DressIng room; - OffIce. Extras: - Well; - AutomatIc gates; - Terrace; - Marble staIrcase; - Solar Panel; - Tecnal wIndow frames wIth double glazIng; - Blackouts; - Intercom. Located: - eIght mInutes. from the center of VIzela; - 25 mInutes. of the center of GuImar&atIlde;es; - 34 mInutes. vIa the A42 and A41 (46.9 km) from FrancIsco Sá CarneIro. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! Why choose ASImobIlIárIa? ASImobIlIárIa has more than 10 years of experIence In real estate. DurIng thIs tIme has already found the dream home of more than 400 famIlIes. We are a team wIth more than 25 agents motIvated to understand your needs and we are commItted to havIng a completely personalIzed servIce, dedIcatIng our tIme In order to fInd the best real estate solutIon for you. We are passIonate about sellIng houses!
Utforsk området
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