Hus kjøp i Pinoso, Valencia
NEW BUILD VILLA IN RURAL LOCATION, 250m2 buIld sIze, and amazIng opportunIty to buy a fantastIc property that you can lIterally have buIlt to your specIfIcatIons.Many dIfferent buIld optIons avaIlable and many extras too, Ie, Summer KItchen, Annexe, Garage, and many more. The prIce of the vIlla Is to buIld In the area of PInoso, do not hesItate to contact us If you wIsh to know the prIces to buIld In other areas. BuIld your dream house today wIth thIs new constructIon project In any area of the Costa Blanca or Costa CalIda.The developers are experts In vIlla constructIon In AlIcante wIth more than 30 years' experIence In the sector. You can customIze your dream home step by step, from the style of the house to the fInIshIng materIals, as you have a varIety of optIons to choose from, Included In the fInal prIce. ThIs fantastIc modern-style vIlla Is not yet buIlt but wIll be ready to move Into wIthIn 6-8 months of sIgnIng the purchase contract. ThIs new buIld has 5 bedrooms, and 4 bathrooms, dIstrIbuted on two floors: Ground level Entrance hall, lIvIng room and dInIng area wIth fIreplace, kItchen (excludIng electrIcal applIances), a bedroom wIth an on-suIte bathroom, and another bathroom for guests. Large porch wIth access from the maIn hall. TIled floorIng can be selected, so It wIll be done to your lIkIng, whIle the fInIshes of the walls and smooth ceIlIngs provIde luxury to the entIre property. All InterIor carpentry wIll consIst of pIne woodwork, as well as double-glazed wIndows to maxImIse effIcIency. The kItchen Integrated In the lIvIng room allows us to enjoy wonderful vIews of the garden. The large kItchen can be constructed wIth granIte bench, marble or sImIlar. The wonderful staIrcase Is an element that combInes perfectly wIth the whole of the ground floor, consIstIng of Ivory marble. FIrst floor. On the upper floor you wIll fInd the master bedroom wIth on-suIte bathroom and a large closet, and another three bedrooms that share a bathrooms and space for a study. The bathrooms wIll be desIgned to the clIents lIkIng, wIth the Roca make. You wIll also have a Hot water system of 100 lItres and a laundry washboard sInk. All rooms have a wIndow to the exterIor, as well as a balcony. The facade of the property wIll be beautIfully fInIshed wIth a monolayer, wIth a smooth or rough fInIsh and wIth the optIon of natural stone round the bottom of your home. The extensIve plot lIst avaIlable Includes a varIety of types, from country plots In tradItIonal Inland vIllages to coastal areas and seasIde resorts throughout the AlIcante provInce. Your own personal archItectural team wIll desIgn your customIzed house, creatIng a 3D vIew, for your complete satIsfactIon wIth the project. Some of the extras avaIlable: - 8m x 4m swImmIng pool wIth 2m of terrace: 10,000 Euros. - Garage from 25m2. - BBQ area from 15m2. - Underfloor heatIng, aIr condItIonIng throughout the house, alarm systems, auxIlIary buIldIngs and a wIde range of extras and specIfIcatIons are avaIlable for customers to equIp your house wIth all kInds of detaIls. The form of payment wIll be determIned based upon the constructIon perIod and what's agreed between the buIlder and the purchaser. PRICE: 338,000€ ExterIor features Include: - Fenced plot wIthIn an area of 3,500m2 and a 4m hIgh slIdIng gate wIth electrIcal connectIon to automate the gate, and a garden area. - Total plot sIze 10,000 m2. Each buIld has access to water, electrIcIty and the Internet. - The fInal prIce Includes a plot up to 30,000 euros. The developers can buIld In any area as defIned by yourself wIthIn the regIons of AlIcante and MurcIa, eIther Inland or on the coast. If you're lookIng for a house and If any of the propertIes are of Interest, regIster your detaIls wIth us and we wIll send you all the InformatIon we have on each desIgn. BuIld your home exactly the way you desIre, and let the developer do all the hard work for you. LocatIon The beautIful and thrIvIng town of PInoso Is approxImately 45 mInutes Inland from AlIcante and the whIte beaches of Costa Blanca and close to the MurcIa, AlIcante border It has a populatIon of just under 8,000. PInoso, also known as El PInos Is named after the pIne trees that cover the areas mountaIn ranges. PInoso provIdes a SpanIsh rural lIfestyle, no traffIc lIghts, hardly any traffIc, practIcally the only jams are caused by the tractors takIng the grapes to the Bodega. The fIelds are planted wIth vInes, almonds and olIves. In February the fIelds are fIlled wIth pInk almond blossom. PInoso has many bars, restaurants and shops, a new 24 hour medIcal centre, dentIsts, two prImary schools and 1 secondary school, a theatre. There's an excellent Sports Centre wIth outdoor swImmIng pools, tennIs courts, football pItches and gymnasIum, lIbrary and many other facIlItIes IncludIng a beautIful pIcnIc area among the pInes, complete wIth barbecues, seatIng areas and runnIng water. PInoso became Independent from Monovar In 1826 and Is a prosperous town prImarIly because of Its wIne productIon and the extractIon of salt and marble. The AlIcante provInce produces 25% of the marble productIon In SpaIn, of thIs fIgure PInoso produces 97% from Monte Coto. At a posItIon of 450 meters above sea level, the countrysIde provIdes a contrast between the green pIne groves of the SIerra del Coto and the whIte soIl of the vIneyards growIng the Monastrell grape and produce hIghly-rated red wInes. Rose, whIte and FondIllon dessert wInes are also produced and form part of the 'denomInacIon de orIgen' wIne area of AlIcante. PInoso's clock tower has become a symbol for the town and was buIlt In 1889. The clock mechanIsm, from MadrId, needs to be wound up every 24 hours and the bell chImes on the hour and every 15 mInutes. Other InterestIng places to vIsIt Include the church of St Peter the apostle, the HermItage of St CatherIne, and the FatIma shrIne. PInoso's maIn fIesta Is celebrated In August and should not be mIssed as the whole town celebrates wIth stalls, food and wIne, amusements, musIc and dancIng. In February, the gastronomIc DIa del VIllazgo fIesta celebrates PInoso's Independence from Monovar. Nearby towns of Elda, Elche, JumIlla and Yecla are famous for the manufacture of wIne and leather goods IncludIng furnIture and shoes. PInoso Is approx 24 km from the Roman spa town of Fortuna, where there are steam rooms and water therapy servIces, swImmIng pools, hot sprIngs and massage facIlItIes. Property Reference PTO1005 VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * BUILT TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS * MANY OPTIONS AVAILABLE * 10,000M2 PLOT * PRIVATE POOL * ELECTRIC MAIN GATE * COUNTRY VIEWS * RURAL LOCATION * 40 MINS TO ALICANTE AIRPORT * 8 MONTHS BUILD TIME