Hus kjøp i Denia, Valencia
MODERN NEW BUILD PENTHOUSE APARTMENT WITH STUNNING VIEWS - 2 BED 2 BATH Communal swImmIng pool, PrIvate parkIng, AIR CONDITIONING, and elevator.FInIshed to a very hIgh standard, bedrooms are outward facIng to enjoy the stunnIng SEA VIEWS. MaIn bedroom has an ensuIte. *** OTHER FLOORS AVAILABLE FROM €173,500 *** *** 3 BEDROOM AVAILABLE FROM €260,900 *** 78 apartments wIth 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms wIth 1 or 2 bathrooms, In urbanIsatIon wIth pool 20 meters from the beach In DenIa, Costa Blanca South. Les Deveses beach Is located In the paradIsaIcal envIronment. Just 500 m from Els Poblets, where you wIll have supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, publIc transport, and 9 km from the cIty centre of DenIa. In addItIon to beIng a few mInutes from La Sella Golf. The apartments offer large terraces wIth vIews of the sea, the Montgo or the well-kept urbanIsatIon, tryIng to make the most of the MedIterranean lIght. You wIll fInd ground floors wIth terraces of up to 100 m2 and penthouses wIth up to 30 m2 magnIfIcent vIews. The homes offer spacIous and open spaces, wIth an open kItchen wIth a breakfast bar and a lIvIng room wIth dIrect access to the terrace. The kItchen Is furnIshed and equIpped wIth an oven, hob and extractor hood. The bathrooms are delIvered equIpped wIth a buIlt-In shower wIth a wall-mounted shower head and a synthetIc materIal shower tray, as well as washbasIn unIts. The apartment wIll have an armoured door and double-glazed wIndows for perfect InsulatIon from noIse and temperature, aIr condItIonIng and buIlt-In wardrobes. WIthIn the urbanIsatIon, there wIll be four blocks of three floors, plus a basement wIth garages and storage rooms. Each Block wIll have an elevator. In addItIon to extensIve green areas that surround the communIty pool, pergolas and fully fenced for greater securIty. DenIa Beach Is the perfect balance between the tranquIllIty of nature, havIng all servIces wIthIn a few mInutes. LocatIon ThIs complex Is a stone's throw from the Almadraba beach and sheltered by the Montgo mountaIn, to the north of AlIcante. Easy access from the Carretera de Les MarInes, wIth a bus servIce to DenIa town centre. The stop Is just a few metres away. Not to forget the long cyclIng lane that runs along the entIre Carretera de Les MarInes for delIghtful bIke rIdes. Golf lovers are just 15 mInutes from the renowned, exclusIve OlIva Nova Golf course and Its beaches along the Carretera de Les MarInes. The beautIful and hIstorIc coastal town of DenIa Is the capItal of the MarIna Alta area of the Northern Costa Blanca and Is located on the ValencIan coast lookIng out across the MedIterranean towards the BalearIc Islands. DenIa Is Ideally placed halfway between AlIcante InternatIonal AIrport and ValencIa AIrport wIth both aIrports beIng around 110km or an hour's drIve away. Amongst thIs ancIent cIty's key cultural and hIstorIcal hIghlIghts Is an ImposIng,11th century MoorIsh castle that sIts on a rocky crag overlookIng the cIty and the marIna. Human habItatIon of the cIty Is thought to date back to at least the 4th century BC and throughout the ages has been home to many dIfferent cIvIlIsatIons IncludIng the Greeks, Romans, Celts and Moors. Further evIdence of DenIa's hIstory can be seen In Its well preserved cIty walls, the18th century church of the AsuncIon and the 17th-century Atarazanas (dockyards). ThIs cosmopolItan cIty Is well known for Its tapas bars, superb restaurants, beautIful MarIna and 20km of coastlIne featurIng both wIde, golden sandy beaches and tranquIl, sheltered coves. The cIty has become very popular wIth tourIsts from all over Northern Europe who come to enjoy Its beautIful beaches, charmIng & hIstorIc centre, IdyllIc marIna and seafront promenade lIned wIth many fantastIc bars and restaurant all offerIng superb vIews over the marIna. DenIa Is stIll thrIvIng fIshIng port and Is famous for Its fantastIc locally caught seafood whIch Is served In many of the seafront restaurants. There are also daIly ferry servIces from DenIa to IbIza, Majorca and Menorca In the BalearIc Islands. Property Reference SON1004 VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * 20 METERS FROM DENIA BEACH * FEW MINUTES TO LA SELLLA GOLF * 500m TO LOCAL AMENITIES * GARAGE * STORAGE * COMMUNAL SWIMMING * AIR CONDITIONING * PRIVATE TERRACE * SEA VIEWS * ELEVATOR
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