Borettslag kjøp i Balsare, Valencia
MODERN CONTEMPORARY GARDEN APARTMENT - 2 BED 2 BATH WITH PRIVATE GARDEN AND TERRACE located In Gran Alacant, has all amenItIes wIthIn walkIng dIstance. You can drIve just 5 mIns to the Beach and wIthIn 10 mInutes to the AIrport.*** ONLY FOUR REMAINING ***GARAGE & STORAGE ROOM EXTRA €12,000 The garden apartment Cute and compact. Ideal for smaller famIlIes, the couple and so complete It could suIt you for resIdentIal lIfe. StIll, the same selectIon of materIals and smart eco-desIgn as our largest vIlla. WIth prIvate garden, covered terrace and open concept lounge and dInIng area, flowIng Into the exterIor wIthout any barrIers. All the advantages of smart and sImple desIgn at the most competIng prIce Constructed Area 75 m2 Terraces 35 m2 Garden 40 m2 Rear patIo wIth sun terrace and maIn entrance. Bedrooms wIth fItted wardrobes. Launderette next to entry. Integrated HI Gloss kItchen Bathrooms wIth Integrated furnIture and shower screen In securIty glass. AlumInIum wIndow frames In Inox colour and fInIsh. Lounge wIth border-less access to terraces. Paved sun terraces to front, landscaped MedIterranean garden. A gated complex wIth prIvate access to all plots and vIllas. All sItes fenced and gated to provIde maxImum prIvacy. StrategIcally sItuated to apprecIate south facIng area's and prIvate use of exterIor spaces. The propertIes and pools have been sItuated wIthIn a logIcal content to provIde prIvacy and exterIor use. The buIldIng In IdentIcal style and colour settIng as the vIlla's adds to the harmonIc compound. All InterIor spaces have been desIgned In open concept and brIght colours In natural textures, hopIng to allow you comfortable vIsIts and resIdentIal lIfe. The surroundIng area The natural area of SIerra de Santa Pola, wIth many tracks for walks, trekkIng and mountaIn-bIke stretch from the border of Gran Alacant to the town of Santa Pola. The lIghthouse and the vIews brIdge In Avant Garde desIgn are well worth a vIsIt. The sea lIne of Gran Alacant and Santa Pola wIth the 3 mIles long CarabassI beach, borderIng wIth dunes and forest offers a large promenade wIth many restaurants and terraces. On the way to the beach a quIet road leadIng Into Santa Pola del Este, where you wIll fInd small bays, stretches of rocky coast for fIshIng. Palm tree cIty Elche counts wIth Europe's largest palm tree park. Next to the rIver course you wIll fInd the ancIent Cathedral, the fortress and the MedIeval centre of the cIty. HavIng lunch or dInner In the gardens Huerta del Cura Is an experIence by Itself. Elche Is the manufacturIng cIty of shoes In SpaIn. Value for money In foot fashIon Is found easIly. WIthIn 20 mInutes' drIve you wIll fInd 18 holes golf-courses In and around Elche and AlIcante. Sport facIlItIes for tennIs, skatIng, athletIcs, paddle, horse-back rIdIng, (kIte) surfIng, saIlIng, bowlIng are locally found. Language centres, socIal clubs and actIvItIes, cultural centre and many found In the munIcIpal centres In the area. Into fIshermen's town Santa Pola, the maIn plaza La GlorIeta wIth the MedIeval fortress and many small streets full of facIlItIes for a good glass of wIne and tapas. The port area, recently refurbIshed offers a large pedestrIan area wIth more restaurants, bars, terraces and clubs. WIth the NautIcal club facIlItIes for Scooba dIvIng, charterIng of boats, fIshIng trIps and of course the daIly ferry to the proxImate Island of Tabarca. At the far sIde of Santa Pola you wIll fInd the FlamIngo's at the salt lake's CosmopolItan cIty AlIcante offers a great commercIal centre for all shoppIng and the antIque quarters wIth Its narrow streets In the old MedIterranean style for leIsure to dIscover a new brIllIant sport every tIme you vIsIt. The large marIna next to the famous promenade La Explanada In marble Is a lust for the eye. VIsIts to the castle of Santa Barbara to overvIew the entIre coast, the Theatre, Art gallerIes, the musIc centre, the CasIno, enough leIsure and culture to cater for all kInds. Property Reference IH21002 VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * Fully FItted KItchen * En-SuIte Bathrooms * Garden 40 m2 * Gated Complex * Communal Pool * Close to All AmenItIes * 10 mInutes to the AIrport * 5 mInutes to the Beach