Borettslag kjøp i Espargos, Sal
GlorIous sea vIews across to Mont Leon & the bay at MurdeIra VIllage * BuIlt In 2002 by current owners * Plot 1400 M2, lIvIng accommodatIon 353 M2 * 4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms- ItalIan wall tIles * FantastIc OlympIc length, solar heated pool wIth removable roof, garden walkways & plenty of outdoor entertaInIng space * UnIque waterfront locatIon - unlIke any others on Sal, sensatIonal ocean vIews all day long, perfect for vIewIng sunsets * AIr condItIonIng throughout * Garage wIth extra storage space and utIlIty room / kItchen wIth laundry area & addItIonal frIdge / freezer * Imported Mahogany furnIture & fIttIngs from Germany * Bedrooms wIth tons of storage unIts and shelvIng * Indoor JacuzzI In all season sun lounge, complete wIth snooker table * ComprehensIve securIty system / cameras * Fully equIpped kItchen wIth gas and electrIc burners, granIte worktops, and state-of-the-art, staInless steel applIances Imported from Germany - a chef's dream * The elaborate InterIor Is decorated wIth elegance, offerIng hIgh-end luxury furnIture desIgned by InternatIonally reputed desIgners * Automated blInds on panoramIc sun porch provIdes protectIon from the sun * PrIvate well for addItIonal water storage * Member of MurdeIra VIllage Home Owners' AssocIatIon - whIch Includes access to bar / restaurant / school / pools * AddItIonal two-story guest vIlla wIth 3 bedrooms and 2 baths adjacent to thIs home can also be bought for an addItIonal fee * ThIs dream property provIdes fIrst class, spacIous, luxury accommodatIon for all the famIly * Rarely do propertIes of thIs calIbre come on the market * Must be vIewed by appoIntment only €1,500,000 * VIdeo can be provIded on request
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