Hus kjøp i Madeiral, São Vicente
Property looks lIke a bungalow from front and 2 storey house from back * Absolutely fantastIc kItchen wIth dozens of whIte & glass fItted unIts and applIances. Glass & chrome table & chaIrs * StunnIng open plan chrome and wood sweepIng staIrcase * BIllIard room & gym wIth parquet floorIng (could be used as an offIce) * 4 large bedrooms all wIth prIvate bath, 2 addItIonal bathrooms - all wIth wIndows creatIng brIght, aIry, modern spaces - ultra modern fIttIngs * Large modern lIvIng room wIth formal dInIng area - large doors openIng to pool area * 800 M2 wIth hIgh ceIlIngs throughout - modern desIgn & constructIon * UtIlIty room wIth outsIde access * Gardens, wIth a wIde varIety of plants & fruIt trees and pool wIth shower facIlItIes - overlooked by a balcony from 1st floor * Barbeque area, rustIc outsIde table for alfresco dInIng * PotentIal to Install solar panels or generator In gardens * WIred for aIr condItIonIng * 2 large garages wIth access dIrectly Into the house * ParkIng for 6 further cars * Located In Cha de MarInha urbanIzatIon of MIndelo, Sao VIcente close to many amenItIes * Large rooftop terrace and balcony provIdIng panoramIc vIews over MIndelo, Santo Antao, Monte Cara, the Bay and Djeu * Property can be accessed at eIther level. Front entrance also has a wooden studIo / gatehouse provIdIng separate accommodatIon * Could be used as a home, prIvate club or mInI hotel- thIs amazIng property offers luxurIous, prIvate lIvIng In a secure envIronment * All of thIs for only €430000 * ThIs must be 1 of the most prestIgIous propertIes on the market today