Industriell kjøp i Cabo Verde, Kanariøyene
If you are lookIng for a busIness and love saIlIng then thIs could be for you * €200000 Income declared every 3 months - an all year round busIness only operatIng 4 hours a day * BuIlt In 2017 * Current owner wIll remaIn for up to 1 year to help buyers * Great fInancIng optIons - pay 50% InItIally then balance after 1 year * Income earned In thIs year wIll be suffIcIent to pay thIs balance * AuthorIsed to carry out weddIngs. Now works exclusIvely wIth 4 & 5 star hotels * For adults only at moment - up to 100 passengers maxImum * Showers & toIlets, freezer and frIdges, aIr condItIonIng - hot & cold on board * Plenty of loungers InsIde & outsIde, BOSE musIc system throughout and plasma screens * Fully equIpped wIth all necessary fIre safety equIpment to meet regulatIons * MechanIcal specIfIcatIons on request * Total prIce whIch Includes all furnIshIngs & fIttIngs €900000