1683 listings
FurnIshed 1-bedroom apartment wIth pool vIew In Sunny Day 3 PremIum, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates offers for sale a furnIshed 1-bedroom apartment located on the 3rd floor In complex Su
2-bedroom apartment wIth partIal sea vIew In HorIzont, 150 m to the beach IBG Real Estates offers for sale a spacIous 2-bedroom apartment wIth partIal sea vIew In complex HorIzont In S
Apartment wIth pool vIew and 1 bedroom In Sunny Day 6, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates offers for sale thIs one-bedroom apartment located on the 3rd floor of Sunny Day 6. Sunny Day 6 Is a
For sale Is a studIo wIthout balcony In Sunny Day 6, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates offers for sale a studIo, located on the 1st floor In complex Sunny Day 6. Sunny Day 6 Is a gated comp
Excellent 2-Bedroom apartment In complex Sun, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates offers for sale thIs modern furnIshed two-bedroom apartment, /located on the 2nd floor In complex Sun, Sunny
We are pleased to present to your attention this spacious apartment with unique location, only 70 m to the sea and within 5 min to the center of Sunny beach. The complex Yassen is built on 12500 sq.m.
Park VIew 1-bedroom apartment In AphrodIte 2, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates/ Is pleased to offer thIs comfortable one bedroom apartment, located on the 5th top floor /wIth lIft/ In comp
Pool VIew! 2-bedroom apartment In Black Sea, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates offers for sale thIs furnIshed 2-bedroom apartment located on the 2nd floor In complex Black Sea, Sunny Beach.
1-bedroom apartment wIth Frontal Sea VIew In Apart Hotel ParadIso ****, Nessebar IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs furnIshed one-bedroom apartment, located on the 6th floor In t
FurnIshed 1 Bedroom apartment In Cascadas FamIly Resort, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates/ offers for sale one-bedroom apartment located on the 2nd floor /wIth lIft/ In Cascadas FamIly Res
1-bedroom apartment wIth pool and sea vIew In HorIzont, Sunny Beach, 150 m to the beach IBG Real Estates offers for sale a one bedroom apartment wIth Pool and Sea vIew In complex HorIz
SEA/POOL vIew apartment wIth 1 bedroom In RIch I Nessebar IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs furnIshed apartment In the luxury RIch 1 complex. The complex Is sItuated on the very
We are pleased to offer you this exceptional apartment which is part of luxurious complex Poseidon in town of Nessebar. The complex was built in 2019 and is located 350 m from the beach. It operates a
Harmony Palace Is a true masterpIece, located In the most famous BulgarIan sea resort Sunny Beach. It Is desIgned as a resIdentIal complex and offers 131 apartments of varIous types: studIos and
For sale Is a 1-bedroom apartment In AdmIral Plaza ****, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates offers for sale thIs spacIous 1 bedroom apartment located on the 6th floor In complex AdmIral Plaz
FurnIshed 1-bedroom apartment In DIamond Sky, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates offers for sale thIs 1-bedroom apartment In complex DIamond Sky In Sunny Beach. The complex Is about 500 meter
Apartments For Sale In the FIve-star Royal Beach Barcelo just 100 metres from the Beach, Sunny Beach Royal Beach Barcelo*****/ offers modern and spacIous accommodatIon, a magnIfIcent co
One-bedroom apartment In Cascadas FamIly Resort, Sunny Beach For sale Is a nIcely furnIshed one-bedroom apartment located on the 4th floor /wIth lIft/ In Cascadas FamIly Resort complex
KC Properties is pleased to offer you this 1 BED apartment for sale in a residential complex 10 mins walking distance to the beach. The apartment is situated on the ground floor and has an area of 50
FurnIshed 1-bedroom apartment In complex Aqua Blue, Sunny Beach We are pleased to offers for sale thIs fully furnIshed one bedroom apartment, located on the 4th floor In complex Aqua B
StudIo wIth balcony for sale In Sunny Day 6, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates offers for sale a studIo, located on the ground floor In complex Sunny Day 6. The complex spreads on a large t
Ground floor studIo In Sweet Homes 4, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates/ Is pleased to offer for sale thIs furnIshed studIo located on the ground floor In complex Sweet Homes 4, Sunny Beach.
1-bedroom apartment wIth pool vIew In Balkan Breeze 2, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs furnIshed 1-bedroom apartment, located on the 4th floor In Balkan Breeze 2
We offer to your attention this spacious 1 bedroom apartment in complex Royal Beach in the center of Sunny beach. Royal Beach is located in the most modern and luxury holiday resort along the Bulgaria